

Went by quickly. We had a bunch of random things happening. I got braces. So fun. 2 days later I was in E.R. from severe TMJ. My bottom jaw was completely to the right and then closed shut. I was shaking and crying. Made me wanna throw up. I chipped 3 teeth, broke a bracket and a wire. I was in sooo much pain. At the E.R. is when the tears came. I drove and was there alone because it was midnight and Tristan was sleeping. It was freezing outside and the car heater takes forever so me shivering wasn't helping the situation. They gave me ice and I passed out waiting for meds. Came home, took drugs and went to bed. I haven't had any more muscle spasms but I am still in killer pain. When I sleep and wake up especially. I feel like I've been hit in my jaw and right side of face. I have bad headaches, neck pain and ear pain now. I hate it. If I had known getting braces was going to cause the TMJ to flair I wouldn't have gotten em. It's not worth it. I have to see about getting into a specialist but I guess there is only one good one in utah and it is hard to get in to see him. A couple weeks back, probably about a month now, our wash blew up on us. So we have been without. I have been using neighbors or friends. Today we finally got one and I am so happy and relieved. I have MANY loads to do though. It will take a little bit. I basically washed essentials to get us by. It sucked. Of course there was Halloween. Tristan was a Vampire for Johns work party and a dinosaur for trick or treating. He was a stud with both costumes. Of course it rained the whole day Saturday which sucked. But he still had fun. Our charger has been at the shop now for about a month with a blown head gasket. We have been using my car that my grandpa gave me when he died. It has its own problems but it gets us around. Hopefully our charger will be fixed here soon. We miss it. I have been 20 times more nauseous this pregnancy then I ever was with Tristan. I have been so sick this entire time so far. I hate it. Im 12 weeks now so hopefully it will go away soon. We also got another dog, Lily, from a friend. Shes chihuahua/beagle. Her and George were best friends. She was used to being a outside dog and that mainly why we gave her back. She hated a leash and after a couple weeks of no luck we gave her back. They also just moved to AZ and we were basically on a trial to see if we wanted her. One day when we have a yard we will get another dog. Not yet though. Also the craving are crazy and vivid.