
I ate another BABY!!!

The whole "eating a baby" started when I worked a Ricardo's. I don't even know why but I would always say "I wanna eat a baby". So for the people who remember me saying it.....I ate a baby :D We found out last week that we will be adding another baby to the family. I was supposed to get my tonsils out last Thursday and Wednesday night something told me to take a test. Sure enough I got two positives. It was at like 10:00 pm so I had to figure out to get a hole of my Dr since my appointment was at 7 am the next day. He told me congrats but no surgery. I really wanted/needed them out but Id rather have a baby. We were sooooo excited when we found out. I told a lot of our friends and only my mom because she wanted me to have john and my friend call her after surgery and also to get a blessing. I decided I couldn't lie and told her. I waited till today to tell the in laws because I wanted to do it in a cute way.

So i made the shirt above and when my mother in law came to grab Tristan I had it in a pile with his other clothes and then went back to bed and wait. 2 seconds later she comes in and she says "Sarah? Are you trying to tell me something?" I replied "Leave me alone I'm sleeping." She says "I need to know. Are you pregnant?" Yes yes I am. I don't know for sure how far along I am. I go in tomorrow or Friday to get an ultrasound. Then I will know for sure when I'm due and far along I am. So far I have been way nauseous all day everyday for the past couple weeks. And its just getting worse. Blah. Its more often and earlier then with Tristan. Its worth it though. I love being pregnant and hopefully everything will go great.
I took my mom to Melting Pot for her birfday

Just goofing off waiting for a table

He likes his reflection

He is a crazy driver (he literally was riving. We do it waiting for daddy)

Tristan and Breezie being cute as always

Emmas 12th birthday

Me goofing off with her new tutu

His new "nerd" shirt. Just for daddy
Peek a boo in the back seat

Snuggling for betime