I honestly don't know how to properly answer that question. But yes I did fall up my stairs and land 10 ft away. How you ask? I was walking up them and when I got to the second step from the top I somehow lost my footing or something and just started to go up and I guess I was trying to re gain my footing but then hit some ice and snow and then ended up kinda falling on my belly and rolling over it landing on my back. In the process I manage to not only land on my belly but also hit my shoulder pretty bad and my low back and tail bone. Thank God I had my cell phone in my pocket and didnt leave it in the car while I went inside cuz I would have just been stuck there. I called John to come out and help me up and I was just covered in snow and could barely walk and couldn't move my arm at the shoulder at all. John said that I should go to the hospital to have the baby checked out but Im stubborn and so I told him no. We went down to his work to get something from his mom and while we were there he told his mom that I fell on my belly and with tears in his eyes he looked at me and said "that's my baby in there. You need to go get him checked out." So after that I cracked and we went to the hospital. When we got there I went to the er part cuz I didnt no if I should go there or upstairs. The guy at the desk asked "do you need to see a doctor?" No genius. Just thought I'd come to the er and visit. Duh. So he asked what was wrong and then said take a seat and a nurse will call you. Well I thought that was odd since I just told him Im 34 weeks pregnant and fell on my belly. But a nurse came out immediatly and called me back. So he asked what was wrong and I told him and then the first guy I talked to was like "wait how far along are you?" So I said 34 weeks. And he starts laughing and said "Oh i thought you said 3 to 4 weeks. We need to get you upstairs then!" They wheeled me upstairs and had a nurse hook me up to monitor Tristans heart rate and contractions. Then they called my doctor to see what she said. She just wanted them to monitor him for a while just to make sure and then give me lortab and had me walk around for 15 min cuz my legs were numb but I could only do it for about 7 min because they started shaking, I almost fell and the pain was just too much to handle. I got there around 10 30 pm and they let me go at 4 am. My doctor recommended that I go to the er just to get my back and stuff checked out. They just said because your pregnant we cant take an x-ray so all we can do is say you tail bone is either bruised badly or possibly broken and they gave me more pain meds. When I finally laied down to go to bed it to all the strenth in my body to get in my bed and lay on my side. And I was constantly waking up because it was so hard to flip over to the other side. At times I would be outta breathe. Im just glad Tristan is ok and I didn't get hurt worse then I did. Although this pain is terrible and just want it to heal quickly. So like I said I'm now 34 weeks and time is kinda flying by. I cant wait till Tristan is here.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!
Much love,
John, Sarah, Tristan and Ryder
Ryder likes to smile
John came home from work one day and his arm looked like this. I asked him if he was turning into a reptile or something.
So Im on the verge of honestly pulling all my hair out. Maybe I'll pull a Britney Spears and just shave it. That would be easier. Last Thursday we woke up and our bathroom and kitchen were flooded. It would have been ok but our kitchen is carpet, so you can just imagine. We called our landlord and told them and they sent their cousin to come see what was up. He thought it was the toilet so he "fixed" it and was on his way. Well it flooded again and again. So they came back and said "oh its the water heater. There was too much pressure so it's spitting out water and not air". So they "fixed" that. Well once again it flooded again and again. So they came back yet again and this time said its the the pipe in the shower. So they ripped out our shower and while they were out buying the stuff to re-do the shower it flooded again. So then they took our toilet off once again. All I have to say is dont take a pregnant womans toilet!! Who does that?! So the problem is finally, hopefully fixed. And I got my toilet back :D but I dont have a shower. First they take the pregnant womans toilet and now her shower!! When are they going to learn. Well because of the water on the carpet it smells of rank water and they are going to be coming in and ripping up the carpet and putting tile in. So it's still not done. So I'm an emotional wreck and very stressed. Not good. I told John to just ignore my rudeness. Crazy Psycho Pregnant Woman is here for a little bit. I'll just be happy when it;s all over.
31 weeks, almost there
Wow. Almost to eight months. Just 9 more weeks till my wittle boy is here. Well technically anywhere between now and then. Im hoping to make it to his due date because my doctor is due Jan 22 and my mom is planning on coming out the beginning of Feb. So Tristan keep cookin, even though I want you here. I cant believe its already been almost 8 months since John and I got married. It has flown by so fast. In a good way. The prego dreams are still coming. Cant wait for them to be over. Weirdest one is that my mom and I had the same one kinda. Kind of freaky if you ask me.
Ive been looking around for a carseat and stroller and just have decided that I am just way too picky. I see one I like but then there is always something I dont like. Ive been mostly looking at brown, green and blue as a combo. I found some online but I want to see them in person. lol. John calls me crazy. I just want the perfect one for my baby. I went with my prego friend Cynthia yesterday to register at babies-r-us. I had a blast picking out things I liked and want for him. I cant wait to decorate his little room.
And whats up with no snow?! Its freezing out there and the only way its ok to be cold is when there is snow. For all the snow haters out there, quit hating. Its December and should be snowing.
Gotta get back to my amazing job. Sitting here watching Anchorman is fun and makes time go faster. Enjoy the pics. Sorry theres none of John and I.
Everyone says my belly is bigger in pictures. I promise its really mine. lol
Its kinda hard to draw a heart on your belly when you cant see. :)
Thought it was cute. Ryder giving his brother a kiss.
Ive been looking around for a carseat and stroller and just have decided that I am just way too picky. I see one I like but then there is always something I dont like. Ive been mostly looking at brown, green and blue as a combo. I found some online but I want to see them in person. lol. John calls me crazy. I just want the perfect one for my baby. I went with my prego friend Cynthia yesterday to register at babies-r-us. I had a blast picking out things I liked and want for him. I cant wait to decorate his little room.
And whats up with no snow?! Its freezing out there and the only way its ok to be cold is when there is snow. For all the snow haters out there, quit hating. Its December and should be snowing.
Gotta get back to my amazing job. Sitting here watching Anchorman is fun and makes time go faster. Enjoy the pics. Sorry theres none of John and I.
Everyone says my belly is bigger in pictures. I promise its really mine. lol
Its kinda hard to draw a heart on your belly when you cant see. :)
Thought it was cute. Ryder giving his brother a kiss.
Twilight and me ranting
First I have to warn this blog is pretty long and I appologize but I'm work stuck next to what my boss calls Hebrew hall. Which is those kiosk in the mall that sell that dead sea crap and the straightners. So I just have time and need to keep busy so I don't go crazy. Thanks. I went to the midnight showing of Twilight with my mother-in-law, sister and brother-in-law and two of their friends. After sitting outside in the cold for 2 hrs and inside for another 1 and a half we finally got to see the movie. Although I still don't think Robert justifies Edward he finally grew on me and the movie wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was kinda cheesy I thought and at times really funny. Overall it was worth freezing and staying up late to go see. Also for some reason seeing Edward in the movie made me love and value my husband even more then I already do. Even though Edward is flawless and has all the qualities any normal woman would want I realized that John comes very close to him. Even though he may not always have the right thing to say and sometimes the things he tries to say comes out wrong, he's not able to be there at my side 24/7, he's still the best husband and friend a girl could ask for. When I left the movie all I wanted to do was get home and cuddle up next to him. And Im glad that when I was finally able to he wasn't ice cold but actually very very warm. John is definitely my Edward and I wouldn't have it any other way. Well enough about that. lol. Onto a different subject. I have decided that I hate the dreams that come along with being pregnant. Yet then again some have been happy, funny, entertaining and others kinda weird. Last week I had a friend pass away from a car wreck and it's still slowly sinking in that shes actually gone. Even going to the funeral wasn't enough for it to totally hit me. Well I've been having dreams since then about me being in car wrecks and they are VERY scary and VERY vivid. Like I can give every detail about them. I had one the other day that made me wake up and just cry. And when I drove that day I just totally avoided where it was just in case. Let's just say I was in a wreck and I survived but a little guy didn't. Thats not something I want to think about or dream about. I also had one this morning where I was in florida and talking to my best friend Jordan on the phone and on my way to visit her and all of a sudden I drove off a bridge that was up to allow a boat to go through. Eveything was fine except the fact that my beautiful Charger was at the bottom or the ocean. Another one I had recently was kinda funny and weird. I was carrying twins and the first was a boy and then an hour after giving birth to him they released me from the hospital and I didn't have the other baby till the next day while I was at Costco shopping with my mom. The weirdest part was that it was a little half black half white girl. Ok so how does that one happen. Idk. All I know is I woke up and was just way confused. Im just hoping that these dreams start going more towards the happy side. No more bad ones please. Last but not least. I woke up with really bad pains and it felt like I was peeing razor blades and someone was stabbing me with a knife. So after calling emt Alisha :) I called and set up an appointment with my doctor. Turns out I have a UTI. AHHHH!! Let's just say they suck and am glad I got medicine before it got worse. I think the main reason I got it is cuz I sit at a kiosk and and not really supposed to leave a lot cuz Im the only one. So I try not to go to the bathroom often. Well I have learn that lesson. For now on as much water as my body can hamdle and go as often as possible.
I was tagged by my sister-in-law Amber to list 6 quirky things about myself.
1. I still sleep with a blanket at night. ha. Im such a wuss. I just like to have it at least touching me. Either under my head, over me, or in my arms. I also have a stuffed moose but he just sleeps next to me. Maybe one day I'll grow out of my security blanket stage. But for now it helps me sleep.
2. This may sound very strange but I sometimes put honey in my macaroni and cheese. Yes you read that right. I dont know why. But ever since I was little I am always mixing different kinds of food. I also like Oreos dipped in vegetable dip, sour patch kids in nacho cheese just to name a few. Call me weird but just try it. Maybe you'll like it too.
3. My food can't touch eachother. If I could always use one of those plates that have the different sections then I would. I've gotten better then I used to be but I still have a hard time when things touch. I was at a friends and they made the plate up for me a the jello touched everything. The chicken, salad, potaoes, and bread. When my friend looked at it and remebered I am this way she grabbed a new plate and I felt bad but was able to eat it in peace.
4. John said I should put that I watch CSI: Miami. But I think that show rocks. I think one thing I do is watch tv shows even though I absolutly HATE them. Like the Hills, Dr. 90210 just name a few. I think I do it cuz I love making fun of the people or just sitting there wondering why the crap people do some of the things they do. In the end I feel much better about myself. lol. Like I realize that I'm perfect just the way I am and dont need plastic surgery or very thankful I'm not ditzy, stupid or fake. haha.
5. I don't finish my drinks at home. I'm kinds like the girl from the movie Signs. Like her I will start a drink but never get around to finishing it. When it comes to water especially I have to have ice in it or be really really cold and once the ice melts or it becomes room temp I want nothing to do with it. When it comes to sodas in cans I hardly ever finish them. If I put them in a cup I do. This drives John up the wall. He always puts them in the fridge but I think flat soda is gross. Along the same line I have this werid obsession you could say with water bottles. Im constantly buying new ones. Not the dollar ones but like the nice ones. Idk why but I do.
6.My favorite thing ever is getting my back and feet massaged or tickled. Id rather have that then eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, you name it. I told John I just need a robot so that when his hands get tired or he isn't there the robot can do it. He didn't like that idea. But I still do think it's a good idea.
I tag Megan, Andrea, and Alisha.
I was tagged by my sister-in-law Amber to list 6 quirky things about myself.
1. I still sleep with a blanket at night. ha. Im such a wuss. I just like to have it at least touching me. Either under my head, over me, or in my arms. I also have a stuffed moose but he just sleeps next to me. Maybe one day I'll grow out of my security blanket stage. But for now it helps me sleep.
2. This may sound very strange but I sometimes put honey in my macaroni and cheese. Yes you read that right. I dont know why. But ever since I was little I am always mixing different kinds of food. I also like Oreos dipped in vegetable dip, sour patch kids in nacho cheese just to name a few. Call me weird but just try it. Maybe you'll like it too.
3. My food can't touch eachother. If I could always use one of those plates that have the different sections then I would. I've gotten better then I used to be but I still have a hard time when things touch. I was at a friends and they made the plate up for me a the jello touched everything. The chicken, salad, potaoes, and bread. When my friend looked at it and remebered I am this way she grabbed a new plate and I felt bad but was able to eat it in peace.
4. John said I should put that I watch CSI: Miami. But I think that show rocks. I think one thing I do is watch tv shows even though I absolutly HATE them. Like the Hills, Dr. 90210 just name a few. I think I do it cuz I love making fun of the people or just sitting there wondering why the crap people do some of the things they do. In the end I feel much better about myself. lol. Like I realize that I'm perfect just the way I am and dont need plastic surgery or very thankful I'm not ditzy, stupid or fake. haha.
5. I don't finish my drinks at home. I'm kinds like the girl from the movie Signs. Like her I will start a drink but never get around to finishing it. When it comes to water especially I have to have ice in it or be really really cold and once the ice melts or it becomes room temp I want nothing to do with it. When it comes to sodas in cans I hardly ever finish them. If I put them in a cup I do. This drives John up the wall. He always puts them in the fridge but I think flat soda is gross. Along the same line I have this werid obsession you could say with water bottles. Im constantly buying new ones. Not the dollar ones but like the nice ones. Idk why but I do.
6.My favorite thing ever is getting my back and feet massaged or tickled. Id rather have that then eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, you name it. I told John I just need a robot so that when his hands get tired or he isn't there the robot can do it. He didn't like that idea. But I still do think it's a good idea.
I tag Megan, Andrea, and Alisha.
So when I was getting ready the other day I look over at Ryder and he honestly looked like he was praying. He has his hands folded like below and his head just hanging there and his eyes closed. I thought it was the cutest thing ever and had to just add a few things to the picture.
New pictures again
New pictures again
Well first off let me just say I HATE MOOD SWINGS!!!! Today was a bad mood swing day. I felt bad for John but he could tell so he kinda just backed off and let me calm myself down and get back to normal. Thank you John. It's funny because I used to hate cleaning before I was married but now it helps me to calm down. (my house is now spotless). My mom and anyone who knows me well knows that cleaning and I don't get along. I can picture my mom reading this and having a heart attack because I cleaned. lol. Well enough about that. People are starting to ask when I'm due and my friends are amazed that my belly has gotten bigger. Its still kinda pointy and i want it to round out. Hopefully soon. Im now 28 weeks incase you are wondering. I wasn't really in the mood to take pictures today but I wanted to put some new ones up so here they are.
Ryder in his new leatherman jacket. He has started to get really cold so I went on a search for a jacket for him. I thought this was the cutest.
Ryder in his new leatherman jacket. He has started to get really cold so I went on a search for a jacket for him. I thought this was the cutest.
Our Halloween
For Halloween I was originally going to be a white trash pregnant woman but it didnt come out as I pictured it in my head. While I was getting ready John was trying to figure out what he should be. I went into the closet and grabbed one of my dresses and said put this on. At first he was hesitant but then after both of us trying really hard to get that dress and tights on he decided that he would just be a woman. So we went to wal-mart to find a wig for him and glow-in-the-dark spray for Ryder. We were going to make ryder a ghost dog but that one didnt work at all. The only wigs they had were black and grey witch hair or Hannah Montanna hair. So it was the child size Hannah hair. lol. Then we went back home so I could figure something out and just decided to try wearing John's clothes. It was funny cuz his pants and shirt actually fit me for once so it worked. So we just decided that we were just going to be eachother. At one point I told John he was a pretty hot woman and he flipped his hair back, looked at me and said (in his gay man/girl voice) "no Im fat! This dress makes me look fat!" I thought I was going to either pee my pants or die from laughing. It was priceless. We went and visited Josh and Amber, Heather and Jason, and our friend Johnny. Throughout the night John was trying to figure out how to keeo the hair out of his face and keep saying he would hate having long hair. My only response was "and thats why us woman cut our hair. Its easier. Now you understand." He also made a comment that he understands why woman are always flinging their hair back and before he thought it was stupid looking but not gets why. I also got to experience that mens underwear and baggy pants are not all that comfortable. Lets just say I wouldn't want to dress like that. It think this was a fun experience to step in the opposite sex's shoes, literally, and see how it feels to dress and act like them. Im glad that I married someone who is willing to do something like that. It was a blast. Also John said that he was a fatter, older version of his sister Chelle. And we both agreed that its kinda sad that I can pull off the look of a guy.
So John thinks that this is how girls pose during pictures I guess.
So John thinks that this is how girls pose during pictures I guess.
As you all know John moved to days and got away from acid. I thought the part of getting hurt was over. Nope. He was cleaning stuff yesterday and cut his hand open. So they sent him to work med to get it cleaned out and then work med told him he would need stiches. It was only like 3 or 4 but he still had to get them. He also wanted me to post pictures of his nasty hand and I decided that the only person that would want to see is Alisha and only because shes and emt. So I'm sparing all of you and not putting them up. Merry Christmas. lol. And of course because hes a boy and got stiches he decided that I wanted to know all the gross details of them cleaning and stiching and wanted to show me. Those are the kinds of things I don't need to know about. Just let me know your ok and leave it there. I guess this is better then inhailing the bad chemicals or spilling acid all over. But still. I think I am going to buy him a plastic bubble and he can be bubble boy so I can keep him from causing too much damage. Have I ever mentioned on here that he wants to get a motorcycle?! I'd be a nervous wreck everytime he got on it. Im already the over protective mother and it will probably get worse.
New Blog
For those of you who truely know me know that I love taking pictures and would do it all day long if I could. Well I decided to make a seperate blog of just pictures I take of landscapes and other people. I have recently gotten the new photoshop and have been spending WAY too much time editing pictures and just goofing off. So go check out the new blog and give some feedback. It will help me out a lot. Also anyone who wants some pictures of them or kids or whatever let me know. I need more people!! The link is: Sarahtphotography.blogspot.com
Job? Whats that?
I have been slowly looking for a job that is not stressful and easy for me to do. I have been going on craigslist for awhile now and sending resumes and just waiting for something to happen. I've had a couple of interviews with people for some kiosk jobs in the past couple of days. None of which seem to go anywhere. Then I got a call yesterday from a place called Beachwood Styles and she wanted me to go up to Sandy mall to interview with her. So I went up andtalked with her and she said she would call later today after her other interviews. So I left and went to Ikea to shop and just have fun. (I LOVE that place) As I am walking around she calls and says if you are still interested then you are hired. Of course I am still interested. So I went back to the mall just to learn some basic things so I can close down on friday. I am so relieved to finally have a job and bring in some extra money for things for Tristan and other things. I assume no one knows what Beachwood Styles is just like me at first. It is kinda like the Shade shirts but more variety and I believe a little bit less expensive. It will be good for me cuz I get paid 9.50 to sit on my butt and text, read or be on the internet. And of course help out when someone comes to buy. Come visit next time your at the Provo mall. It's by Hollister.
For those who have been keeping up I have been wanting John to move out of working with acid and also switch to days. Well he got a call today and his boss told him that he starts a day shift position tomorrow. Also he wont be working around acid as much as he was. I was beyond happy when he called and said I am now on day shift.
Random Thoughts
\Right now I am ABSOLUTLY in love with the mountains and the outdoors. The trees are so amazing and I love the many colors. We went up to Sundance and through Aspen Grove for a Sunday drive and to take some pictures. I was thinking that no one would be up there but of course I was wrong. It seemed like everyone and their grandma was up there. So many people from out of town and so many people paying more attention to the scenery then to driving. I tried my hardest to not get upset at these dumb people but it didn't really work. But as soon as we parked and I started down a trail to take pictures I was instantly happy and didn't even remember the bad, ignorant drivers. lol. While we were driving I looked at the beautiful trees and the sun and the rain falling and the colors and then said to John "I honestly don't understand how people can see all this and yet say there is NO God. How did this all just come about then?" Just makes you wonder what goes on in their heads. I just want to be up there everyday moving from park to park and just take as many pictures as I can and just be. This weekend we are driving down to St. George for the marathon which my two sister in laws are running. All I have to say is power to them. I can barely run a mile:) I was recently in Logan for the top of Utah marathon to give massages to the runners when they completed. While I was massaging I talked to a few of them and all I had to say was why? Why do you do it? Some of these people could barely walk. Some were cramping up way bad. Some were throwing up. I just don't get why you would wanna put yourself through that. I personally would rather sit at home and stare at my ceiling. But then again Im lazy.So power to those who run marathons and who do crazy things like that to your body.
20 down 20 to go!
I had my 20 week appointment today. While we were they we were able to make it positive that we are having a boy. We found out a couple of weeks ago and were waiting till today to make sure. The tech said all was well and he is a health baby. I am so very thankful that I am finally over the "morning sickness" and am able to live life without throwing up. I have been feeling occasional kicks from him. John keeps putting his hand and head on my belly to try and attempt to feel anything. The doctor told him today that he wont feel anything for about a month more and he wasnt too happy about that. It put a smile on my face though when we were getting the ultra sound and I looked over at him. The smile on his face was priceless. Kinda like the same smile I saw when I was walking down the isle on our wedding day. Different smile but still made me feel so amazing. Hes going to be a great dad. On another note my mom called the other day and said her friend maury from our old ward had an all-in-one bed including the mattress that her daughter barely used and will sell it to me for $40. For those who don't know those beds run from $150 and up and an extra $50 and above for the mattress. So I am very thankful she told my mom and my mom told me. Also Ryder insists on running across or jumping on my belly whenever I am not covering it. His idea of protecting me at night is to run and sit on my belly and bark at the door. I need to just tape a pillow around me whenever Im just sitting and maybe that will help. Hes such a little turd. Im going to be out numbered in a couple of months. I need another female in the house with me. Maybe another dog. :)
Sorry that the pictures are a little blurry. I tried.
And of course a picture of the "bump" that people want to see. Not really all that big still. My doctor is pregnant also and she told me she only wishes she looked like that.
There we have it. Last thing I have to say is I am once again very thankful for John. Especially his patience when I randomly start getting mad for no reason. Instead of fighting back he just stands back and waits till I cool off. I honestly could not have asked for anyone better. I wouldn't even be able to put up with myself. ha. John I love you!!!! :)
Until next time.
Sorry that the pictures are a little blurry. I tried.
And of course a picture of the "bump" that people want to see. Not really all that big still. My doctor is pregnant also and she told me she only wishes she looked like that.
There we have it. Last thing I have to say is I am once again very thankful for John. Especially his patience when I randomly start getting mad for no reason. Instead of fighting back he just stands back and waits till I cool off. I honestly could not have asked for anyone better. I wouldn't even be able to put up with myself. ha. John I love you!!!! :)
Until next time.
The other day my friend sent me an email and it was the following joke. I found it way funny and thought I would share it with the rest of you. Hopefully it makes you laugh as it did for me.
Sitting behind a couple of Sister Missionaries at a football game in Boston,
three men decided to badger the Sisters in an effort to get them to move.
In a very loud voice, the first guy said, 'I think I'm going to move to
Maine; there are only 100 Mormons living there.'
The second guy spoke up and said, 'I want to go to Vermont; there are only
50 Mormons living there.'
The third guy spoke up and said, 'I want to go to New Hampshire; there are
only 25 Mormons living there.'
One of the Sisters turned around and looked at the men. Calmly she said, 'Of
course, you could go to hell; there aren't any Mormons there.'
Sitting behind a couple of Sister Missionaries at a football game in Boston,
three men decided to badger the Sisters in an effort to get them to move.
In a very loud voice, the first guy said, 'I think I'm going to move to
Maine; there are only 100 Mormons living there.'
The second guy spoke up and said, 'I want to go to Vermont; there are only
50 Mormons living there.'
The third guy spoke up and said, 'I want to go to New Hampshire; there are
only 25 Mormons living there.'
One of the Sisters turned around and looked at the men. Calmly she said, 'Of
course, you could go to hell; there aren't any Mormons there.'
Frustration and other things
So Im finally at the point where I absolutley HATE John working nights and sleeping during the day. It seems like we never see eachother anymore. I honestly don't understand how woman can be married to men in the armed forces. They don't get to see them for months sometimes years. And I can barely get through the night. Power to those women. Maybe it's just the emotional part of the pregnancy because sometime I just wanna kill him and be away from him but then again I try and keep him from going to work at night. At least I have a dog right? If it weren't for Ryder I would never sleep and probably sit on my bed with a gun in my hand. He's my little protector even though a lizard could probably take him on. But at least it helps me sleep. John has been takling to the HR people at his work about new positions opening during the day so that he is not only away from acid but also home at night. It just seems like it's taking years to do so. I guess I need to learn how to be patient. Enough about that. How about a baby update? So we went in last week (16 weeks) for a gender check. It was so awesome to see my own baby. Words can't explain. It was finally a reality for me. I would post a picture but I don't have a scanner and it doesn't look good when I take a picture of it. After we looked at our little alien the tech asked if we should try and see what we are having. So we looked and so far it appears to be a boy. Although she said that baby could be a girl and she's just swollen. But we should know in like 3 weeks. So when we got out to the car John looked at me and said "I guess we have to start thinking about boy names." I just looked at him and said no. We already have a girl name and that was hard enough. But we have had that name for a while now. Before we found out I was pregnant. So yea. We have been looking but the ones I like the most John likes the least and vice versa. But we have a while togo so I guess we will keep thinking.
So we have been back to the doctors twice now since last time. We went back at 12 weeks to hear the heartbeat, which by the way the baby was being a stinker and didnt want us to hear. The doctor would pick it up and not move and all of a sudden it was gone and we had to search again. When she was finally able to get it and keep it there it was so amazing to hear my baby's heartbeat. Then we went two days ago for our 14 week. And as they say 14 weeks is the magical week because the nausea is gone. Which I am beyond happy about. When we were there the doctor was listening to the heartbeat when all of a sudden some kid next door started screaming like someone was killing him. So it made both the doctor and I laugh and she explained that he was 9 and was gettting shots which he hates. But everytime he screamed we just couldn't help but laugh. It was so hard to actually focus and try and listen. When we were about to leave John asked if there was anyway we could get an ultra sound to see the baby and she said we would have to pay $25 for it. He's like thats not bad. Lets do it. So in another two weeks we go bad for that and in four weeks we go back for a normal check up.
Aslo the other day at John's work something went wrong with the acid and it blew up and fumes were everywhere. So Im at a friends and i get a picture of it and then a call and he says "I'm in the hospital but dont worry." Ok so when your husband calls and says that of course you worry. So he explained it all to me and said that he was brought in because they didnt no the exstent of the damage it could have caused. So I go to the hospital to see him and he's hooked up to iv's and an oxygen tube and they are checking him every hour to make sure he's ok. It was so scary for me. I just looked at him said glad your ok but I hate your job. Please try switching a.s.a.p. I felt so bad though because he had to be there till 9 am and I was way too tired to stay and so I left. And of course it took me a while to get to sleep and I had bad dreams about him being in there and really sucked. But Im glad to report that he is doing good. When he went to work the next day people were happy to see that he still had his arms and face. Apparently someone thought they got blown up. I love how people change stories. And I thank God that thats not the case at all.
I love my John and would not be the same if it werent for him. Hes The best thing to EVER happen to me.
Aslo the other day at John's work something went wrong with the acid and it blew up and fumes were everywhere. So Im at a friends and i get a picture of it and then a call and he says "I'm in the hospital but dont worry." Ok so when your husband calls and says that of course you worry. So he explained it all to me and said that he was brought in because they didnt no the exstent of the damage it could have caused. So I go to the hospital to see him and he's hooked up to iv's and an oxygen tube and they are checking him every hour to make sure he's ok. It was so scary for me. I just looked at him said glad your ok but I hate your job. Please try switching a.s.a.p. I felt so bad though because he had to be there till 9 am and I was way too tired to stay and so I left. And of course it took me a while to get to sleep and I had bad dreams about him being in there and really sucked. But Im glad to report that he is doing good. When he went to work the next day people were happy to see that he still had his arms and face. Apparently someone thought they got blown up. I love how people change stories. And I thank God that thats not the case at all.
I love my John and would not be the same if it werent for him. Hes The best thing to EVER happen to me.
Well for those of you who have not heard we found out a couple of weeks ago that we are having a baby. Sarah is 10 weeks along and we had our first appointment on monday. We were able to meet the doctor and get the heads up about what to expect. We also tried to listen to the heartbeat but nothing. The doctor said it was normal and to come back in 2 weeks to have a listen. So we will just have to wait. It was a big surprise when we found out but we are excited and can't wait to be parents. But I think we should keep it in the oven for a while longer and let it...get a little cuter. lol.
4th Of July
Well, where do I even begin to start? First of all Happy 9th Birthday to miss Savannah Wray. On the 3rd I went with my friend Cynthia to save spots on the parade route for her family and mine. It was beyond hot and there was way too many people. While sitting there bored we saw a guy on a bike get hit by a Suburban and multiple car accidents. Also later on in the night fights down at seven eleven and the library. John and I stayed up the whole night and just talked and hung out with friends. Morning came and after freezing our butts off it was finally time to move our blankets out into the road. Well the people that were behind us on the side walk didn't like that we were moving our stuff in front of them. Which isn't the first time. They got mad at me for the past two years. So we sat on the curb waiting and the guy came uo and stood by my side just yelling at us. Telling us how he's been sleeping out all night long and we have no right to be "cutting" in front of them and if we don't move then we will be "physically"(he put up the ") moved by the cops. So we stood our ground and just sat there. The only thing that we said to them was that it was city property and there was nothing that they could do. So the wife gets on the phone and calls Provo police. Meanwhile the husband just keeos yelling and calling us stupid teenages and immature and badmouthing us. The wife comes over and said cops can't do anything. Which was no news to us. Then the wife starts throwing her blankets all around us and setting up chairs to block us in. And when we tried to move them the lady starts screaming and telling us not to touch her property. Meanwhile my friend was on the phone with cops because they were getting physical and the husband was threatening us. He was standing there telling us that because the cops won't do anything he will. He was saying how this parade would be the worst ever for us, he and his family were going to sit so close to us it would make us uncomfortable and that he was going to (once again) "accidentally" throw food on us. Which made us laugh. Then we picked up our blankets and moved them to the street. Which only added gas to the fire. John was sitting on one balnket and I was on another. They both come running out and start trying to pull and push John off the blanket. They tore the blanket and started pulling him towards the road. Well an undercover cop saw this going on and stopped and finally got the lady to stop. When she saw him she looked like she had just pooped her pants. It was pretty hilarious. The cop starts talking to her and she's explaining how she stayed out all night to save for 200 people, and how it wasn't fair and we were ignorant teenagers. And then two more cops showed up and she went off telling her sad story to them too. In the end the cops laughed that this lady was saving for 200 people and also told her that it was indeed city property and there was nothing they could do. They told her it was just a parade and not to get so worked up about it. They told John and I that we could stay where we were and that the fighting needed to stop. And of course because we were the younger of the two others, which were by the way in their 50 or 60's, the cops believed them that we were full of attitude. It Still didn't settle down. She had someone get her a ton of maracas and tamberines and her and her grand kids tried to make as much noise as they could. Which didn't bother us at all. The fact that she got a lot of kids under 10 to join in on her little plan just showed how immature she was. It finally settled down until Cynthia's parents came and she started fighting with them. So it kinda got big again and once again another cop came over to stop it. This time finally it was for good. The parade went on with no more fights and it was peaceful. The cop had told us that we could have pressed charges for the physical part but we were way too tired and just thought we'd be the bigger people. That was our parade fun. Later that night I went to stadium of fire with the Wray's while John went and shot off fireworks with his friends. Miley Cyrus just wasn't his thing. Overall Stadium was amazing. I wasn't particularly fond of Miley, but it was worth seeing the Blue Man group and fireworks. Another Fourth of July came and passed and it was all worth it. The best part of all was that I spent it with John. Hopefully next year there wont be as much drama. But once again as I said it was all worth it.
Day At The Park
Today while John was at Warp Tour I took Ryder to the park to meet up with Josh and Amber and her family to play frisbee. Ryder played ball, played in the sprinklers, chased people away from me and kept getting to close to Asher and made him very uncomfortable. He also of coursegot tired and when I threw the ball chased after it but wouldn't pick it up. So in the end I had to get up and get it. He needs to just realize that I am not the dog and I shouldn't be fetching his toys. After he went in the sprinklers to cool off he decided that he wanted to roll around in the dirt just like a horse. I seriously dont understand him.First he just sniffs it and scopes out where he shall roll.
And then the roll.
We got done playing and John was finally home so we invited his friends Josh and Johnny over for some BBQ and Rock Band. And of course Ryder thinking he is human thinks that he gets some of the steak. Well I tried to give watermelon and he wanted nothing to do with it. Only steak.
After he waited very patiently.......
I decided to give him a piece and of course because he is a dog he thought he would be sneaky and multiple times he snuck up and tried to steal my whole steak.
He got caught red handed and in the end got to eat it. So he won and took my steak. I guess he just knows that I make a to die for steak. Haha. I don't know. Moral of this story is that even though he sometimes gets on my nerves I still love him no matter what.
And as an update....John and I are better. Allergies are still getting to us of course and I have a little tickle in my throat still but not as bad. So it's slowly but surely going away.
And then the roll.
We got done playing and John was finally home so we invited his friends Josh and Johnny over for some BBQ and Rock Band. And of course Ryder thinking he is human thinks that he gets some of the steak. Well I tried to give watermelon and he wanted nothing to do with it. Only steak.
After he waited very patiently.......
I decided to give him a piece and of course because he is a dog he thought he would be sneaky and multiple times he snuck up and tried to steal my whole steak.
He got caught red handed and in the end got to eat it. So he won and took my steak. I guess he just knows that I make a to die for steak. Haha. I don't know. Moral of this story is that even though he sometimes gets on my nerves I still love him no matter what.
And as an update....John and I are better. Allergies are still getting to us of course and I have a little tickle in my throat still but not as bad. So it's slowly but surely going away.
So about a week ago John and I both started feeling sick. First we thought it was just allergies but then mine has turned into non-stop coughing and weezing. John just has a runny nose and sneezing all the time. I'm thinking that mine has gone from allergies into Bronchiectasis again. Which sucks and last time I had it it went away faster. We are both just hoping that we both get better and it doesn't come back again.
We went to sunny California. It was much needed for both of us. We stayed in a hotel right on the beach with a beach view. While some people sat at the pool we went straight to the beach. It was freezing but still worth it. We rented boogie boards and bought a skim board and didn't worry about how cold it was. We were there to have fun. We went and saw some seals on the beach across the way, we went to L.A. and walked down the Hollywood strip. We went to the wax museum and on our way back to our car we saw Michael Cera from Juno. He was there Filming and we tried to say hi but they wouldn't let us. It was fun to see him but sad not to say hi. Oh well. We also went to a hamburger place called Hodad's where the burgers were HUGE! We didn't know so we order doubles and neither of us could finish them. It was way amazing though. The sunrises and sunsets were amazing! Absolutely gorgeous! We went to Knotts Berry Farm which was fun. There was hardly any people so we got to go on the rides as many times as we wanted. It was like the park was ours.
April 19, 2008
This was the best day ever! The day I became Sarah Terry. It was a dream come true. It started with me waking up way too early even though I went to bed way to late. My friend Megan came over to do my hair and make-up. Time started to fly by and I started freaking out while she is trying to calm me down. We finished and left to go to the church and when we were leaving was the time I was supposed to be already to the church and dressed. But of course I was late. So I rushed there and rushed to get dressed and get everything ready to walk out. It was finally time for the ceremony and it just flew by. John and I were both trying hard not to cry. We both knew that if either one of us started to cry the other one would too and it would just be down hill from there. So we both kept it in. After the ceremony we had a lunchon. After the lunchon John and I went to Sakura and had amazing tapanyaki. The owner congratulated us and gave us 10% off our meal. Then It was back to the church for the reception. At the reception we had a line, did the cha-cha slide, and assulted eachother with cake. He got me pretty good but I got him back 10 times worse. I had to walk him to the sink because he couldn't see anything. It was hillarious. He didnt think so. After it was all done we got in our decorated car and went to our hotel to sleep and get ready to leave for San Diago, California the next morning. A special thanks to his family for all the love and support. Also to my mom and adam. We love you guys.
Ryder Terry
Ryder Terry! Where do I even begin to explain this dog? Lets start with where we got him. Turner Dann gave him to us as an early wedding gift. I was so excited when he told me he was giving us a dog. John and I both have wanted a dog for a while. He's a Jack Russell Chihuahua mix. At least we think. Kinda weird but way cute and fun. Ryder is seriously the most hyper, ADD, psychoticly cutest dog ever. He is also way random. He will go to his bowl to eat and see a toy and start playing and then run into another toy and play with that one and then remember he wanted to eat and the cycle starts all over again. If He's in bed he can't sleep without being under the covers curled up next to either John or I. His favorite words are "ride" and "pee". He hears either one of those and immediatly he runs to the door and wont leave you alone. We love taking him to the park and playing ball. Un-like most dogs he doesn't just run. Nope he has to prance for the ball. When he gets to the ball he slides past it and then turns around. Sometime we throw it and he sees a bird or something cathes his eye and we end up havung to get it for him. But it's not all fun and games in our house with him. Becasue he's still in his puppy stage he pees, bites, chews and gets into things he's not supposed to. I acidentally left my straightner out and John left his rock band drum foot pedal on the ground and when we got home both wires were chewed to pieces. The other day I was at John's parents laying on the ground and Ryder decides he wants to go to the bathroom on my feet. Although I wanted to kill him I just laughed cuz he just stared at me while doing it.
Febuary 13, 2008. John had his mom come wake me up and she gave me a big stuffed animal dog and a note that said "Good Morning. Follow The Trail Of Presents." So I open the door and find a huge box with a note that said "Hope You Like Them". Inside the box was a dozen red roses, a dozen daisys, and then a single red rose. I look down the hall and there's a build-a-bear box with a dog with hearts on it. The note said "I'm A Bad Boy...Hope You Forgive Me...HeHe". We were supposed to go make build-a-bears together and instead he did mine without me. Next was a medium sized box with a note that said "Pretty Things For A Pretty Girl". Inside was a pair of pink star earrings and a star ring. The next box on the ground was a ring box. Inside there was a note that read "Look In The Closet For The Best Gift Ever!" When I read that note I was hesitant to go to the closet because it freaks me out. I swear it's haunted. So I reach for the door handle slowly while at the same time backing away from the door. All of a sudden 3 dozen balloons and a big heart balloon come flying out followed out by John on one knee. He looks up at me and said "Sarah Ashley Pelletier, Will You Marry Me?" And of course I start bawling and say yes. It was amazong and cute and wouldn't have asked for it to be done any other way. the bad part about that day was that I had to go to work. The whole time I was hoping time would speed up so I could go home and be with John.
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