I honestly don't know how to properly answer that question. But yes I did fall up my stairs and land 10 ft away. How you ask? I was walking up them and when I got to the second step from the top I somehow lost my footing or something and just started to go up and I guess I was trying to re gain my footing but then hit some ice and snow and then ended up kinda falling on my belly and rolling over it landing on my back. In the process I manage to not only land on my belly but also hit my shoulder pretty bad and my low back and tail bone. Thank God I had my cell phone in my pocket and didnt leave it in the car while I went inside cuz I would have just been stuck there. I called John to come out and help me up and I was just covered in snow and could barely walk and couldn't move my arm at the shoulder at all. John said that I should go to the hospital to have the baby checked out but Im stubborn and so I told him no. We went down to his work to get something from his mom and while we were there he told his mom that I fell on my belly and with tears in his eyes he looked at me and said "that's my baby in there. You need to go get him checked out." So after that I cracked and we went to the hospital. When we got there I went to the er part cuz I didnt no if I should go there or upstairs. The guy at the desk asked "do you need to see a doctor?" No genius. Just thought I'd come to the er and visit. Duh. So he asked what was wrong and then said take a seat and a nurse will call you. Well I thought that was odd since I just told him Im 34 weeks pregnant and fell on my belly. But a nurse came out immediatly and called me back. So he asked what was wrong and I told him and then the first guy I talked to was like "wait how far along are you?" So I said 34 weeks. And he starts laughing and said "Oh i thought you said 3 to 4 weeks. We need to get you upstairs then!" They wheeled me upstairs and had a nurse hook me up to monitor Tristans heart rate and contractions. Then they called my doctor to see what she said. She just wanted them to monitor him for a while just to make sure and then give me lortab and had me walk around for 15 min cuz my legs were numb but I could only do it for about 7 min because they started shaking, I almost fell and the pain was just too much to handle. I got there around 10 30 pm and they let me go at 4 am. My doctor recommended that I go to the er just to get my back and stuff checked out. They just said because your pregnant we cant take an x-ray so all we can do is say you tail bone is either bruised badly or possibly broken and they gave me more pain meds. When I finally laied down to go to bed it to all the strenth in my body to get in my bed and lay on my side. And I was constantly waking up because it was so hard to flip over to the other side. At times I would be outta breathe. Im just glad Tristan is ok and I didn't get hurt worse then I did. Although this pain is terrible and just want it to heal quickly. So like I said I'm now 34 weeks and time is kinda flying by. I cant wait till Tristan is here.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!
Much love,
John, Sarah, Tristan and Ryder

Ryder likes to smile

John came home from work one day and his arm looked like this. I asked him if he was turning into a reptile or something.
Woah, Dude, I'm glad you're all ok. How scary!! Are you feeling any better? and what the heck happened to John's arm? i think HE should see a doctor! crazy. i have bad luck with phones, but you guys have bad luck with ER's. anyway, glad it wasn't anything that could hurt your baby, but sorry you aren't feelin too sweet :(
Your Belly is way cute!!
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