I had my 20 week appointment today. While we were they we were able to make it positive that we are having a boy. We found out a couple of weeks ago and were waiting till today to make sure. The tech said all was well and he is a health baby. I am so very thankful that I am finally over the "morning sickness" and am able to live life without throwing up. I have been feeling occasional kicks from him. John keeps putting his hand and head on my belly to try and attempt to feel anything. The doctor told him today that he wont feel anything for about a month more and he wasnt too happy about that. It put a smile on my face though when we were getting the ultra sound and I looked over at him. The smile on his face was priceless. Kinda like the same smile I saw when I was walking down the isle on our wedding day. Different smile but still made me feel so amazing. Hes going to be a great dad. On another note my mom called the other day and said her friend maury from our old ward had an all-in-one bed including the mattress that her daughter barely used and will sell it to me for $40. For those who don't know those beds run from $150 and up and an extra $50 and above for the mattress. So I am very thankful she told my mom and my mom told me. Also Ryder insists on running across or jumping on my belly whenever I am not covering it. His idea of protecting me at night is to run and sit on my belly and bark at the door. I need to just tape a pillow around me whenever Im just sitting and maybe that will help. Hes such a little turd. Im going to be out numbered in a couple of months. I need another female in the house with me. Maybe another dog. :)
Sorry that the pictures are a little blurry. I tried.

And of course a picture of the "bump" that people want to see. Not really all that big still. My doctor is pregnant also and she told me she only wishes she looked like that.

There we have it. Last thing I have to say is I am once again very thankful for John. Especially his patience when I randomly start getting mad for no reason. Instead of fighting back he just stands back and waits till I cool off. I honestly could not have asked for anyone better. I wouldn't even be able to put up with myself. ha. John I love you!!!! :)
Until next time.
How very, very cool! I am so excited for you two and yus, I understand, those looks are priceless and wonderful to keep in your heart. Wahoo for no more morning sickness! and yes, I think I looked like that at 3 months! Lucky you, in more than one way. Love you
I love you sweet heart! I love all of you!!!! You're baby bump is SOO cute!!! I love you and can't wait to see you soon!!!! :D
your fetus is so cute! it also makes my heart happy to hear how cute you and johnny are getting ready for your baby boy. i love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow!
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