

So Im on the verge of honestly pulling all my hair out. Maybe I'll pull a Britney Spears and just shave it. That would be easier. Last Thursday we woke up and our bathroom and kitchen were flooded. It would have been ok but our kitchen is carpet, so you can just imagine. We called our landlord and told them and they sent their cousin to come see what was up. He thought it was the toilet so he "fixed" it and was on his way. Well it flooded again and again. So they came back and said "oh its the water heater. There was too much pressure so it's spitting out water and not air". So they "fixed" that. Well once again it flooded again and again. So they came back yet again and this time said its the the pipe in the shower. So they ripped out our shower and while they were out buying the stuff to re-do the shower it flooded again. So then they took our toilet off once again. All I have to say is dont take a pregnant womans toilet!! Who does that?! So the problem is finally, hopefully fixed. And I got my toilet back :D but I dont have a shower. First they take the pregnant womans toilet and now her shower!! When are they going to learn. Well because of the water on the carpet it smells of rank water and they are going to be coming in and ripping up the carpet and putting tile in. So it's still not done. So I'm an emotional wreck and very stressed. Not good. I told John to just ignore my rudeness. Crazy Psycho Pregnant Woman is here for a little bit. I'll just be happy when it;s all over.


Megan said...

oh my! i can imagine... oh wait, no that actually happened to me too! it was bad, but no where near as bad as yours seems to be. ours was the water heater and pretty obvious so we got it fixed quick. but i remember living in a big mess while the carpet was ripped up. anyway, i'm so sorry its been such a nightmare for you. hopefully they'll compensate you somehow for having to live like that. good luck! if you ever wanna come hang out here, we have two extra rooms! :D

FireMedicMom said...

It's totally okay to let crazy prego lady out when life isn't fair....I hope you get your house together soon so you can relax. :)

Whitney said...

Oh my gosh, that sounds terrible!!! I'm so sorry!!! We have carpet in our kitchen (as you know) and I hate it!
When we first lived here, our ceiling in the bathroom collapsed because the pipe to the swamp cooler burst and they had to redo the whole ceiling in our bathroom. Crap like that SUCKS!

CherryTerry said...

Ah! I'm sorry! :( How frustrating!