

My intent in this post is not to offend anyone and if it does then sorry I guess. Speaking my opinion and what I believe. I have been watching teen mom and 16 and pregnant a lot since we got cable. I don't know why I do. Everytime I do it just pisses me off. Obviously these kids didn't get the no sex till marriage or use birth control memo. And that's fine cuz not everyone belives that or thinks its the right thing to do. I'm not judging there. It just...i guess bugs me most that theses kids weather it be the mom and dad or just mom decide oh im still in jr high, for some, and have no money or job or anything really yet they decide to keep the baby. And they just act like its gonnna be a walk on the park and once baby is here nothing will change. They have a huge surprise coming. I just really wish they would be smart and give these babies up for adoption and give them a chance. There have been a couple of moms who heaved and those kids seem to be doing the best. Not in a home where, like recently mom is in jail, dad and mom are split, moving multiple times cuz they can't afford places, etc. Even being married and "old" enough its a challenge. When I was in the ER the guy doing my iv and I were just chatting and he mentioned that he and his wife of 3 years have been trying to have kids and nothing. He told me he found out it was his fault
So they were looking into adoption and invetro. But yet druggies and little kids can get pregnant the first time. (i have friends in the teenage not married category. Once again not judging) I know there's a plan for each person but I just don't understand. I feel bad for this guy. His wife is baby hungry and he is really wanting to be a dad too. But for whatever reason makes him not be able to have kids they have to fork out thousands of dollars, time, and emotional times just to have a family. Sucks. The main reason I got pissed lately was because one of the girls on the show had a baby and then her anf her bf just decided no bc at all and got pregnant again. AGAIN!!! But this time she just decided to abort. She didn't wanna deal with pregnancy. Yea well should have kept your legs closed
Instead of giving that baby to a desearving daily who wants that child they just aborted it. Abortion sickens me!! I don't think abounded should ever be aloud to but once again free rights and agency. When I was in the hospital waiting for my surgery all I could think of was my unborn baby girl. I haven't held her or met her or seen her other then an ultrasound and yet I was bawling at the thought of loosing her. From the day I found out I was pregnant, both times, I was attached to that baby. I can't imagine loosing them. Point of my ramble is if ur gonna have sex u might get pregnant. And if u get pregnant then deal with it. If you can't handle your consiquence then give the baby a chance and give em up. Be selfless not selfish! Sure there are days when pregnacncy is no wall in the park but hey its a sacrifise. Sure we didn't plan on getting preg w tristan on our honeymoon even on bc but hey we did and its all apart of a bigger plan. Im glad we had him. Life would be boring without him. K. My ramble is done.


Klin said...


If anyone is offended then that is their choice. I would be offended, if I got offended, at their ignorance and selfishness.

jordyn said...

I agree completely. I actually can't watch that show anymore, because I get so pissed off. I didn't watch the one when the girl decided to abort her second, but I heard about it and seriously... you'd think you would learn after your first unplanned pregnancy how hard it all would be! I agree it's not fair that some people who would be awesome parents can try & try with never getting a baby, and then completely unprepared kids can just mess around without a thought and they get a baby. BUT God does have a plan, even when it's hard to see. My life has been so blessed because my husband chose to place his daughter for adoption, because not only do I get to know his daughter, but also her incredible family. I wish more girls on 16&P would just see how wonderful an adoption could be for them and their babies.