Yea Ive been a slacker. Ive just been too busy or too lazy to post anything. Alot has been going on. I had to get an MRI last month cuz of my migraines and eyes hurting. I also went to a neurologist and a eye dr. From both of them and the MRI I still have no idea what is wrong. They gave me some meds to try but they arent strong enough or the others knock me out. So bacically I suffer. Ive had them for so long I just have learned to deal with them. Johnny has been working, working, working. Well kinda at least. His section at work has produced the parts they need but the people who buy them usually arent buying them. So he basically sits around all day. Tristan has had his stupid HELLmet :D on now for 3 weeks. It has literally been hell having that thing. It worked out great for almost a week. Then he fell off the bed and we left it off for that night. The next morning I could not get it for the life of me. I started having an anixety attack cuz it was making him cry and wouldnt go on. I felt terrible. So I drove back up to salt lake and had them fix it. Well he didnt fix it right. It put pressure on his skull and it caused a welt about a quarter size and stuck out about an inch. It killed him. So I drove back up to Salt lake and had them fix it again. This time he put a bubble where that welt was. Now he just freaking hates that stupid thing and screams bloody murder whenever we put it on. He also sits there and shakes his head no when we bring it out which of course makes it harder to put on. He will start doing the purple cry. Lips are purple and he makes no noise for a while. I absolutely hate it. I have also been getting a lot of photography practice. With friends doing shoots and Megan taking me and showing me a few pointers. I love taking pictures and cant wait till Im as good as the best. The video is funny at the bottom. Johnny was playing basketball and Tristan found it hilarious. Enjoy.

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1 comment:
Oh my gosh!!! The pic of the 3 of you is my favorite!!! It's sooo cute!!! and the one of Tristan's freakin cute smile!!! Love you girly!!!
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