
Hospitals should have a special room for our family

Ok so I have gone to the hospital twice in less then a week. Once for Tristan and once for me. Tristan and I went to Aunt Kathee's house in Layton again and the whole time he was tired and screaming and fighting to fall asleep and when he finally did fall asleep he only slept for about 30 min. They he didnt wanna eat. Didnt wanna be held. Nothing. So on my way home he was creaming bloody murder for about an hour or so and I finally tried to take him to instacare but of course they close at 10 and I got there at 10:05. Just my luck. So they suggested I go to Primary Childrens. So I did. After 4 hrs they gave me medicine for thrush again. Meds for constipation. He is still putting up a fight but not as bad as it was. On the second day of no sleep and him screaming I finally broke down. At one point I was having really bad thoughts about Tristan and at one point I started to squeeze him then shoved the bottle in his mouth. Then I started crying and brought him to my aunt. She woke up and took him and I just bawled myself to sleep. It was horrible. Im just glad I didnt go any further. Im glad I was able to stop myself. Today I went to the hospital because I got a concussion(?). I honestlty cant count the amount of concussions I have had in my life. Obviously toooooo many. :D What happened was I was laying down with Tristan outside and I was laying back to talk to Jared who was standing above me. I was positive that I was no where near the sidewalk. Well apparently I wasnt. SMACK!!! I slammed straight into the corner. Hard too. I completely blacked out. Jared said that it was really loud and knew it hurt. So Johnny and mom told me not to be stubborn and go to the hospital. Nothing is wrong other then a concussion. Now Im just in a lot of pain. UGH!!! Today my little sister Emma went back to Cali. Her and my dad Adam were out for a couple of days to bring their stuff to a storage unit. She came down sunday night and slept over. We had fun and it was good to spend time with her. Although we were bummed we couldn't play Rock Band cuz the PS3 was broken. They move out in November but thats a long ways away still. Also my sister in law Amber had her baby Sunday morning. She is so freaking cute. And one of my besties Whitney had her little man Owen. Hes in the NICU cuz he pooped in the womb and breathed it in. I cant wait to meet him. Also my knee doesnt feel any better. Sometimes it feels worse.

The Patch that they put medicine into my knee with. FREAKING KILLS!!

For some reason my skin broke out from it.

He can finally hold his big head still and sit on his own :D

Chelle is gonna kill me but....yea. She got a nose bleed and stuck a tampon in her nose


Klin said...

No way is he sitting up all by himself! Seriously?

He is so stinking cute.

Hope you all feel better soon.

chels said...

I can't believe how big he is getting!! He is such a doll!! We need to play soon..like ASAP!!! Love you lots and miss ya.