There was a little guy named Tristan Cade. When Tristan was born his head was flat on one side in the back which is called Plagiocephaly. We kept an eye on it and hoped it would flatten back out. Well his 6 month check up came and still no rounding. So the dr suggested we go see a specialist. One day my bestie Maggie and I ventured to Salt Lake to Primary Childrens to see about a helmet. After eating lunch with 2 of my favorite aunts ever, we then arrived at Primary's. (13 mins late) They had a sign that said people arriving 15 mins late might have to rescheduale. Id be pissed cuz I live so far away. Anyways. Back to my story. So we sat in the waiting room looking a some cute kids and some not so much. Then we heard it...."TRISTAN TERRY?!?!?!" It was our turn. FINALLY! I mean we only waited for like an hour. So the nurse asked a TON of questions and as soon as she walked out the dr walked in. Along with like 10 other people. Id have to say this room was maybe 10 ft by 6 ft. And a bed a stoller were taking up most of the space. Can you say claustrophobia? It was hard to sit still. I almost needed oxygen. So he said " well your baby should get a helmet. You can wait and see if it decides to grow out on its own or go ahead and do it." So not taking the risk I said lets do it. He explained a few things and walked out. Almost immediatley the helmet rep dude walked in. (now heres where it gets fun and funny) As hes opening the door. Maggie stands up to stretch quickly and as she does so there are like 3 Fruit Loops sitting on her chair. So I start laughing and say "did you just poop fruit loops?!" (obviously we are in a childrens hospital so I know how they got there. It wad just lack of sleep) Well apparently all the guy heard was poop fruit loops and he just looks at us laughinjg girls and says "I dont even wanna know!!" So I said "but I have to explain cuz its not what you think." So I told him what happened and we all just sat there uncontrollably laughing. Then after we were able to calm ourselves and act like adults he explained what would be happening. During this I kept accidentally saying "WE" meaning of course Johnny and I and forgetting that Maggie was sitting next to me. And she occasionally asked a couple of questions. You could clearly tell by the end that he thought we were...well....Lesbians. We both had wedding rings on, there was a baby, I kept saying WE, and she asked questions too. At one point he even started talking mainly to her and saying ladies do you have any further questions. When he left we definely got a kick outta it. While in there I mentioned where I lived and he was like well if my office wasnt closed Id have you go now. Sorry. We packed up our stuff and ventured back to our car. Im on the phone with hubs and all of a sudden I hear a man yelling. Dont know what he said but it was the rep guy outta breathe. He chased us to let me know that there was still people at his clinis and they will take us in the next 5 min if we got there. Luckily it was like 2 min away. So I thanked him and he left. As soon as hes outta sight Maggie starts laughing histarically and even has tears streaming down her face. (once again we have had no sleep) Once she is finally able to speak she says "did you hear what he called us? He yelled "HEY FRUIT LOOP GIRLS!!!!" So I start laughing and it was horrible cuz we both could barely breathe. It was worth it though. So I sped off tho the other office where Tristan got measurements of his head and pictures of it too. So they said they will submit it to our insurance and see how much they will cover. Now we just wait for a call then go up for a mold to be made then he will finally get it after a couple weeks. So it wont be for almost a month or so until we get it.
Happy 22nd Birthday to my hubs Johnny. I love you babe. Your getting kinda old though:D But I still love you soooo much. Just like Tristan's shirt says "daddy is my superhero!" Thats how we both feel. Love you speedy :D
P.S. I would write 22 things I love about you but at the moment my brain is barely working but Ill do it soon
Our comp is still broken and so I cant put pics up. Here are a few from my phone though.

Ha Ha Ha! I love it!
I'm gonna tease Maggie about being a Froot Loop pooping Lesbian tonight when she picks up her mail.
That is a funny story.
For the record I think T's head is perfect. I love the picture of him listening to the iPod.
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