Trampolines are a NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!
Here I am. A 21 yr old mom and I get hurt on a tramp. I have jumped on many tramps and many times and have never gotten hurt. But of course I try to have fun with 2 of my siblings and I get hurt. My mom can confirm this: I ALWAYS GET HURT!!! No matter what I'm doing I tend to get hurt somehow. I really should be put in a plastic bubble. But with my luck I would find a way to hurt myself in there. Anyways this is what happened. I was jumpping with Chelle and Jacob playing a memory jumping game. We were on like our 5th round. Jacob had the dumb idea of jumping up then falling flat on ur back, bouncing back up and landing flat on your stomach. Well I did it and got scared as I was going to my stomach and brought my knees up. Somehow I landed on it sideways and the knee cap slide. All I know is that i couldn't stand and just started screaming and rolling around. I had to call Johnny to have him carry me into the house. Then he decided that I needed to go to the E.R. And we all know from previous injuries that I am stubborn. So I just said ok and went. Of course the night we go it was busy (for Nephi at least). They took some x-rays and we waited forever and a day cuz an ambulance came in and all 5 people working had to help:D Then the dr came back and said good new and bad news. Looking at it right now I don't think it's broken but Im going to look at it with a radiologist tomorrow. Bad news is it could be worse. It could be a tendon or ligament torn. Because your so guarded of it right now so I can't really check it out. I want you to come back in a couple of days to see if we need to get an MRI or not. So he put me in a full leg brace and gave me crutches. So much fun. NOT!!! I have never had to use crutches and was hoping I never had to. They freaking suck. And once again I am stubborn and havent really been using them :D shhhh....I don't wanna talk about it. I am still in a ton of pain. It is way swollen and black and blue and I just want to cut it off. I go in tomorrow at 8 to get it checked up. Now I know that trampolines are stupid and painful. Sorry Tristan and future kids. You are not aloud to have one. Mommy has had enough pain in one time from it. These pictures are kind of blurry but yea.

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Yeah and this grandma won't allow one either for reasons such as this and the danger they post to spinal cords.
Your knee doesn't look near as perty as it did last time I saw ya.
Hugs from me.
oouuuccchhh!!! Im sorry girlie!! I know it will be sooo much fun!!! And of course you can!!! lol I have a lil belly now...not too big ha...
Sarah, I wish I could have been there! From your first picture, it looks like it was just a dislocated knee cap, which I have put back in place many many times for people. I wish I could have saved you some pain....but, yes, staying away from the tramp is probably a good idea. :)
OMG! Ouch!!! :( I'm sorry, that looks pretty miserable. Good excuse to sit around and be lazy though, I need one of those :)
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