Happy Fourth of July everyone. Also Happy Birthday Banana Wray. And Happy 5 months to Tristan. I can't believe it's been 5 months already. :( First off I am finally accessing the comp after a LOOOOONG hour of no power. It seamed to have just turned off on our block cuz we saw others around with lights on. It was long only cuz Tristan wasn't too happy cuz he couldn't see what was going on, George was shaken in his boots and it started getting hot. Plus I am ADD and hyper. They don't mix well. Johnny was like "babe sit down and read a book or listen to music or watch a movie on your iPod." But I just couldn't sit still. It was a pretty good day though. Woke up at.....um....2 p.m. :D Cleaned the grill and got it ready to BBQ. Got the chicken and burgers reasy and started grilling. If I do say so myself, I do by far make the best chicken on the grill. It is so freaking amazing. As soon as we were done eating it started to get gloomy outside then bam. Thunderstorm. Although I was able to roast some starburstbefore it got to rainy. They were also AMAZING!!! I was also able to light a couple fireworks even thoough it was rainy. But it scared the living poo outta Tristan and George so I stopped. Thats when the power went off. grrrr. Anyways. We have had a crazy June here. Tristan went from having an ear infection, then an eye infection, and is now trying to get over thrush. Poor little kid does'nt get a break. He is such a trooper though. He at first hated the meds but now takes em like a champ. He is only fussy still when tired. I love this kid and he is just sooooo amazing and perfect. I could not have asked for a better baby.

Steve and I decided to have fun with bottles and smoke bombs.

Then put them in water. EW!!!!

Love this

Not so much of me.

Our cute family

I love his shirt. Although I think it should say 80% dad 20% ;)

Our complete family
Well that was some rainbow :D
Cute photos. I think I will steal 'em and put 'em in my files. Or you could just email me them so I can be honest;)
Kiss my grandbaby for me. Now you'll have to explain.......bahahahahahahahaha
Fun pictures!!! I'm sorry the power went out, but at least an hour isn't TOO long (but that's an hour without One Tree Hill... ha ha). Wanna come over sometime and grill me some of your chicken? LOL Jk :)
You guys are soooo cute!! This is a way cute picture!! I miss you girly. Hope all is well!
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