

Well Im now 36 weeks and so ready to be done. But he needs to stay in there untill at least Feb 11. My mom, Emma, and Josh come out that day from Cali and I want them to not only see my belly in person but I also want my mom to be here when he's born. On Sunday John and I went out to Megan's house to take some belly pictures. It was a lot of fun and freezing in her house but worth it. I already knew she was an amazing photographer but this shoot blew me outta the water. It was her first maternity shoot so we were experimenting on how exactly to do it. Thank you once again Megan. You truely are amazing!! :D Go check them out at: www.photosbymegang.blogspot.com


CherryTerry said...

Sarah you're due Feb 2??? I thought it was later than that! Holy mackrell!

Mikey said...

When do I get to see these fantastic pictures Megan took? I am so glad your Mom and Emma were there, it was good to see you so happy. I love you so much kiddo Mikeymom