
Why oh why did I do that?!

Six things I should have never done. I have to think hard on this one cuz I have learned from my mistakes.

1. I wish I hadn't sluffed in high school as much as I did or at all. Even though I did eventually graduate I didn't get to walk with my class.

2. Dated some of the guys I have. Although you gotta weed through the bad to get to the good right?

3. Been friends with certain people. Even though I had my feelings about them I still tried to give them a chance and sure enough in the end they turned out to be exactly how I thought they would. Some people are a waste of time and Im glad they are outta my life.

4. I wish I hadn't been stupid and stole from a store. I got caught and it sucked. Luckily I wasn't arrested or anything. I was hanging out with said friends from number 3. Bad influences.

5. I regret hurting people that I care about. I hate hurting people that actually mean something to me.

6. I should have never shot that man just to watch him die.

Ok number 6 is there cuz I ran outta things. lol. Or is it?!