Pregnancy is going good. Minus my migraine from hell the other night. It was around midnight when I all of a sudden just felt like crap. Like I've never felt before. Mind you I have suffered from vertigo and bad migraines for years. NOTHING has been this bad. Its hard to even explain other then I had a way bad headache, neck pain, nauseous, body felt numb and kept having contractions. They were short but often. I was kinda worried but not too much so I went up to go to bed. After what seemed like years I was able to fall asleep with the help of John tickling my back. Thanks babe. At about 4 am I woke out of a dead sleep feeling like someone hit me in the head with a truck. I could not move without it intensifying. I tried to look at my phone to see the time and that made things worse. I tried rolling over to attempt and get comfortable. Bad idea. Felt like throwing up even more. After probably a half hour to 45 minutes I was able to drag myself out of bed and go downstairs to take some tylenol. That took the edge off after awhile and I was able to get back to bed. The next day I was feeling a little better but not 100%. I called dr and they wanted me to come in just to check things out. She said it was just migraine and everything was ok with pregnancy. After new meds I got it to go away. But of course that didnt last long because I have a crazy son who likes to scream high pitched and head butt me without warning. On another note. Tristan has been doing really, really, REALLY good about bed time lately. Sometimes like tonight he just says I go night night and starts to go to bed. He was in the tub tonight and all of a sudden said it was bed time. I was shocked. He got dressed and climbed in bed. I am very proud of him for doing this....but...very sad. My little guy is growing up and I dont like that. Hes becoming independent. I want him to do this but I wanna snuggle him too. Hes sooooo freaking cute when he sleeps and I wanna hold him. Little miss is quite the mover. She is always going in there. I think she is practicing to be a dancer. I love it. But sometimes after hours upon end I just would love for her to take a nap. Im excited to finally meet her. I cant wait.

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