These are in no particular order. Some pictures from last year are stuck on my dead POS laptop. One day I shall retrieve them. Also the pictures at the temple are kinda fuzzy because I dropped my Nikon on Christmas and have to hold the lens in place to take pictures. That will hopefully soon be fixed too. I dont usually get the things I want fixed or new things because Tristan and soon to be little miss are far more important to me and I spend all extra money on them. One day maybe I'll spend money on the things I need. The one thing I am investing in hopefully this week is a full body, body pillow for preggos. Man do I need it for my hips!!! Pregnancy KILLS my lower back and hips. I can get massage after massage and go to the chiropractor everyday but the second i wake up in the morning Im dead!!! Sacrifice is what it is and it's worth it. Little miss is a freaking kicker and mover. Jeez. I dont remember Tristan being this active. Life has been pretty stressful for us financially at least but we just cut back to only things we need and if theres extra then there's extra. We make it work. We are also still struggling with sickness. I started out with a sinus infection on the left side and Im pretty sure it jumped to the left. Tristan had the flu last weekend and is finally getting over his nasty cough. I can tell his throat is sore and dry still though. I am also now having throat issues. I wouldn't be surprised if mine turns into strep seeing that I get it every single year around this time. Tristan is almost 2 and man oh man is he showing it. Has been for a while now. Some days he is a little angel who is a flirt and a lover and other days...well just stear clear. He is doing and saying the funniest things though. I sometimes just sit and wonder where the heck he got it from because its random and out there. He likes to put hats, pants, bags (it only fits on top of head i promise) and anything that resembles a hat and sway back and forth saying "gangsta gang gang sta". I taught him that months ago but now he just does it and its hilarious. He also is on a sniffing kick. He scrunches his nose and sniffs things to be funny. The face is priceless and Im still trying to get a picture. Another new thing is he will randomly put his hand over your mouth and shush you. He thinks its very funny which it is at times. But like I said he can be a terror!!!! We are struggling, STILL, with the whole sleeping in your own bed thing. When sister comes he is not aloud to sleep in our room so he better get it down before May.

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1 comment:
I love these pictures. They are so super cute. These are the times to really cherish, even if the kids are being little terrors.
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