
someme heroes wear capes, ours wear combat boots!!

Today was an emotional day for my family. My big brother chris boarded a plane to leave for iraq. He won't technically be there for 2 weeks. It was really hard to watch him say bye to his beautiful wife becca and there georgeous 3 week old baby girl Zoe. He has been pretty excited to be going but since Zoe arrived he has not been doing good. We are all just so happy he got to spend 3 weeks with her. Rather her be due any day and not see her. And as hard as it is she's at a good age. When daddy comes home she will be 1 and she won't know the difference. Doesn't make it any easier. we all got to spend a couple hrs with him and all of his fellow troops. It was heartbreaking watching them stand in formation then turn and board while their families looked on. We all took our turns at giving a hug and when it came my turn I gave hima big hug said be safe and I love you and then I lost it. I hate crying in public. It was just so hard. Its still kinda unreal that he's gone for a year. It was also really hard to hear little kids crying and yelling bye daddy. Ill miss you. I love you. I just wish him and his fellow troops a safe trip out and back. And safety while in iraq. They are sacrifising so much so we can have freedom. All of them gave up family time and being with their newborns while we get to chill and be with our families. Those men and women are so strong and brave. I hope this year flies by so we get him home soon!!! Please keep him and the troops in your prayers!! Ill be posting pictures tomorrow when I'm on the computer.

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