
Where to begin? These past couple of weeks have been CRAZY! We moved in with the in-laws last Saturday because our rent was up and we need to save money and get outta debt. I'm ok with it but not the fact that they live in Nephi. 45 min south of friends and life. But I'm getting used to it. I recently had an appointment to find out about my ears and throat. I have to get my tonsils out and I have Benign Positional Vertigo. I have to go take a hearing test this week to make sure my ears are ok. Ugh. Also on the 20th I am going to Cali to help my maja cuz she's getting foot surgery. Im excited minus the fact that I hate flying and I'll be gone from Johnny fir 2 weeks. Our 1 yr anniversary is the 19th. wow 1 yr already!!! Tristan will be 2 months on wed. After church I decided to goof around and take pics of Tristan.

Also check out: Sarahtphotography.blogspot.com


Megan said...

OMG the pic of him on the guitar is such a cute idea. you should do one and get the entire guitar in the pic..just set up a white or black sheet in the background so there are no other distractions...WAY CUTE! love the idea.


Heather said...

SOOO cute! Have fun at your mom's! I guess we'll have to wait on the hanging out for a little while!

CherryTerry said...

Wow those pictures are beautiful. Also, I can't believe it's been a year either!