
3 weeks already?

Well Tristan is already 3 weeks old. Whoa!! Time sure does fly. I looked at Johnny today and said "Wow. We've kept a human being alive for 3 weeks. Dang we are good. Only 18 yrs to go!" These past 3 weeks have been the most AMAZING weeks (minus getting married and honeymoon of course). They have been very tiring but totally worth it. Tristan is such a good baby. He only barely cries when he is hungry or when he's being changed. It's fun to just sit and watch him because he has the most intense dreams. For the most part they are happy and the occasional sad one. He will open his eyes and they roll back in his head and all around. It;s kinda creepy looking. Our favorite is when he starts to laugh while dreaming. It puts a smile on my face. So we have had a pretty eventful weekend/week. On Sunday morning around 6:30 there was a knock on the door and when Johnny answered it was the people from upstairs. All of a sudden Johnny comes running into the bedroom and told me that we flooded again. So we go out into the kitchen and there was a couple inches of water on the ground and water was pouring like a waterfall from our ceiling.

Turns out a pipe in our utility closet burst. So they helped us to get our table and desk out of the kitchen cuz they were getting water all over them. The landlord came over to fix it and dry our carpet. Tristan and I went upstairs cuz it was FREEZING in our house cuz we couldnt use the heater. Then when we came back down and I plugged in our little heater it blew up. Yes blew up. I was pissed. I was just sitting there thinking nothing else could go wrong. Then on Monday morning I woke up to Tristan throwing up. And everytime I fed him he just threw it right back up. So I called the doctor and she said to do small frequent feedings which I told her I already was and she told me to call again if he still was. So then around 3 i called again and they told me to bring him in. She said it could either be a bug or something I ate or pyloric stenosis. So she sent us to get an ultrasound of his tummy. Well his ultrasound looked fine so she said probably a bug. He didnt throw up at all the rest of the day or night. But threw up Tuesday morning. So I called back and she told me she wanted me to pump so I could monitor how much he was eating. And he has been fine. A little fussy and gasy but not throwing up :D I felt so helpless and sad for him and just didn't know what to do. Im just glad he is feeling better.

I had to wrap him cuz he kept going threw clothes

Just watchin tv :D


Heather said...

So fun, and the first time parent experiences! I don't know about you, but I was freaking out about everything for the first year! It gets better with the second one.

Heather said...

Don't know why I put an "and" in that post after "So fun," but...yeah, it's early, that's my excuse!

Megan said...

oh he is just too cute! that first one of him all wrapped in blankets and towels beside him makes me so sad. he just looks so cute but sick :( i'm glad he's getting better. when MY never-ending cough goes away I WANT TO HOLD HIM... since its depressing I haven't been able to already :(

Amber and fam said...

Holy freaking cute baby! :o) We're bringing you dinner tonight! Yay!

Mike and Andrea said...

i decided he looked like john until i saw that last pic, and he looks just like you!! How are YOU feeling now that tristin is feeling better?

CherryTerry said...

Love you Sarah!

FireMedicMom said...

Where is the binkey picture? :)