
The end is close

So my "due" date is in 4 more days. Im at the anxious, nervous, restless stage and so ready to have Tristan in my arms. So is John. When Tristan does come Johnny is taking a week off of work to be home with us. The other day he text me and said "Can Tristan be here yet?" I asked why and he said "because I dont wanna be at work. I wanna be with the 2 of you :D" It brought a smile to my face and made me miss him. If I had it my way neither of us ever have to work again so we can spend every second together. Neither of us really get any sleep at night. He has been taking sleep meds so he's not too tired at work. We both just toss and turn and are too anixous. My back, tail bone, and hips are in killer pain whenever I lay down so I try to stay up as much as possible so when I do finally lay down I can just pass out.

We had an appointment yesterday and because our dr had her baby last week we had a different dr. It was kinda weird having a different dr. She was looking over my chart and was looking at my weight throughout the pregnancy and other things and just said "you are lucky. Your weight has stayed a consistant gradual increase, You have no swelling at all. Im jealous." I just smiled and said thanks. Even though it seems like its taking forever, especially these past few weeks, I am thankful that he is taking his time and is gonna be healthy. Also my mom is coming out on the 6th now so she will see him as only a week or even less old. Which I am happy about.
I just thought it was funny that I can FINALLY use my belly as a tray. Ha.

Ok so I had to share this.

Apparently our economy is so bad that they had to put these sticky notes on sale. Wow!! You save a penny!! Better get over to Macy's and buy them before they cost a dollar again:D oh man. Some people.

Well hopefully next time I make a post will be to say that Tristan has arrived.


Mikey said...

I am so excited to see Tristan! I can't believe it is so close. The pregnancy seems to have lasted forever but I am glad the end is near. You are a sweetie and I love you. Mom

Whitney said...

Holy crap! You get a free tray when you get pregnant??! Why didn't I do it sooner! I can't wait until Tristan comes, but then again I do, because I need to see you before he does ;)
Good old Macey's....good thing I won't work there after tomorrow night, otherwise I would have to claim that lameness.