That's what I was called today at my Ortho appointment. I was talking to the girl about life and things going on and she looked at me and said "well we have a supermom on our hands!" I'll take that. I try my hardest everyday to do what I can for my kids and husband. The main reason she said it is because we were talking about being dependent and I said I'm VERY independent and have to do things myself. For example my surgeries I have had. My Knee, appendix and last weeks tonsils surgery. I hate being waited on and having to have people do things for me and even when I'm drugged outta my mind I still try to do it all and usually over work myself. Oh well right? We have been dealing with a TON lately. We are hanging on and waiting to be able to breathe again. We for sure need a break. At least John and I do.
I got my tonsils out at the end of July. Which is why I haven't blogged for a bit. I was scared to blog on drugs. Who knows if it would even be readable. haha. I must say this last almost 2 weeks have been hell!!!! I would rather have another baby or knee surgery or anything other then that. Mouth/throat pain is the worst!!! But I'm excited to not be sick anymore. Hopefully. When I go in for my check up Tristan is getting his tonsils looked at and will have to get his out too. Not too excited for that one. It still kills to yawn but for the most part I feel ok. It still hurts but it's at least tolerable.
July 30th would have been my sister Michelle's 21st birthday. I can't wait till the day I get to meet her. I have felt her around us since Blakely has been born. One story I haven't shared with anyone but family till now involves her actually. When Blakely was only a couple weeks old I was sitting on the ground changing her and just talking and playing with her. She kept looking over my shoulder and smiling which she often would do. I kept telling her to stop talking to friends and talk to me. She just kept staring and was just so happy. I looked at her and the words "are you talking to Michelle" came out of my mouth. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and I all of a sudden just felt the strongest hug and presence of someone. I knew right then my baby sister was there looking over us and talking to her niece. It brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. Blakely's middle name is Michelle after my sister. I love you sis!!!
At the beginning of August we got a letter on our door saying we have to get out. So I call the number to figure everything out. Basically our now old landlord is a scum bag and has been just taking our rent and keeping it and not paying his mortgage. So he foreclosed. The bank now owns our property. So we don't have a landlord or anything. They told us we have two options. We can get out in 30 days and get $3000. to help us move orrrr we can stay and vacate by 90 days. We would be dumb not to take the money. Dumb part is that we don't get a penny until we have all of our stuff out and the place is clean. It's supposed to be a program to help you move.....but we don't have money. I don't understand how that one works. So as for now we are boxing up and slowly trying to figure things out. We need to be out by August 20. So much fun. NOT!! Its just so stressful. I'm happy and not so happy to move. Happy because there is a lot of drama. I recently received a VERY disturbing email from a bf of a girl who lives in here which use to be a friend. He also sent a more disturbing one to my brother. We still don't understand why he chose my brother. He was pissed because his gf texted me and I told her to delete my number because I don't talk to baby killers. A couple months ago she got an abortion (not the reason for the end of friendship). Now I am VERY VERY VERY against abortion except for one reason which was not at all her reason. I get very heated and feel very strongly against abortions. When I feel as strongly about something like this you're going to know about it. I don't take it lightly. So he got mad because I called her that and a couple days later emailed me. I just basically told him I was just calling it how it is. I'm not the one who murdered a baby. I'm not in the wrong. But I am also sad because I like the house we are in and a friend now lives across from me and her son and Tristan have so much fun together. i don't let Tristan play with anyone else around here but him. If we weren't being kicked out we would stay for as long as we could have.
Tristan had the start of an ear infection last weekend but I took him in before it got bad. He had a really high fever and I was also scared of getting sick post surgery. Now Blakely has thrush. So we are both on meds for that. Joy for that one right? I went to the Dr today for...something that I'm kinda really worried about. But I wont find out anything till the end of the week or Monday. I'm not going to post it here for the whole world so if your curious just figure out another way to ask. I just hope it's all ok. I had a dream a couple months ago regarding it and normally my dreams are what is going to happen in real life.
Blakely is 3 months today :( I honestly do not know who this girl is. She is the complete opposite in every way of Tristan. She sleeps AMAZINGLY!!!! She's a good eater. She poops :D She is so smiley and happy all the time. I am not complaining in anyway. I freaking love this little girl so much. She is my little blessing in disguise.
Tristan is a stinker like always. He went on his first rollercoaster a couple weeks ago and loved it. He has learned how to open doors and snuck downstairs while I was sleeping to pain his toe nails with hot pink polish....and the carpet. He is such a little character and brings entertainment to us daily. I love that little turd nugget!!!!

A couple weeks ago a dear friend Teri Jackson was in Moab in the Colorado River and she started yelling for help. Her boyfriend tried to get to her but he was unable to. She was missing from Friday July 15 till Wednesday July 20. They finally found her body which was a sad thing but also good in the sense that her family could start the moving on process. She battled with drugs, alcohol and mental illness. Although this death was very sad and affected many in a BIG way it was also good that she is finally free of those struggles and can be healed and not have to hurt anymore. My heart goes out to her family everyday. I regret not seeing her more and not having seen her in like a year. I just got too caught up with family life and life in general. Teri was seriously the most colorful bubbly young lady I have ever met. She didn't care what people thought and just lived her life. She defiantly got the most outta life and did a lot before she left us. She was a very talented artist. Her art work is just breath taking!!! Teri I love you and you will always hold a very special place in my heart.