I suck at blogging lately. Yea yea yea I'm a new mom of two now but, I have just honestly been lazy. This post is going to be all over the place. Not in any specific order. Blakely is 2 months old now. Had her 2 month appointment today. Which meant shots :( I was no bueno for either of us. She got home and screamed for a couple hours. I was hard for me. Fourth of July was Great. Tristan is at the fun age where he knows whats going on. He loved/hated fireworks. It took him a couple minutes each time we saw some for him to warm up to them. He LOVED the parade. We didn't wake up for the balloons because...well that was too freaking early. My friend Rebecca did Blakely's newborn pictures when she was 2 weeks. I am absolutely in love with them. John blessed her yesterday, 7-10. It was an amazing blessing. The words that were spoken about my baby girl and her future gave me a lot of different emotions. Good ones but I don't want her to grow up. She is a complete opposite if Tristan. She's a good eater, sleeper and pooper. She sleeps usually from midnightish till anywhere between 6 and 9. As far as Tristan goes, he's been even more of a stinker then usual. He is getting better with Blakely and wanting to help out more. He wants to calm her when she's crying. Give her her binki. Feed her with his "boobies." He wants to carry her downstairs in the morning and doesn't understand why he can't. But then again he has his days where I am asking him to not talk mean about her. I have taken him to a play therapist once and have another appointment this week. The first visit went great and helped with a few issues I have with him. We are making progress slowly each day. He is finally sleeping in his bed and going in there without a battle, most nights. He has learned to open doors, ugh, and so now in the middle of the night he just opens his door and ours and comes in. He got a hair cut about a month ago. His curls were way too crazy. I miss them but they are growing back quick. Enjoy the picture overload in no particular order.