
How it is

Two words to describe life.....




Three favorite foods, movies and colors.

1. Steak. I could eat steak anytime all the time if I could.
2. White american cheese. I crave it a lot and its hard for me to not eat a whole package at once.
3. Dr. Pepper. Yep Im classifying it under food :D

1. Easy A. Best movie in a long time. Freaking hilarious. I love love love it.
2. Sweet Home Alabama. Reese is my favorite actress ever.
3. Juno. Another freaking hilarious movie.

1. Green
2. Black
3. Blue


Four moments that have changed my life.

1. Deciding to finally report my dad and move to Utah to live with my mom. I did not want to move and hated it here but it was for the best. I lived in fear of my sperm donor for many years and finally got the strength to do something about it.

2. Meeting John. That has been one of the best things to happen. He is my best friend and an amazing man.

3. Mr. Tristan. From the moment that stick said pregnant I was in life and life was changed forever in a good way. I knew it would be hard and things would change in a big way but we were so excited and ready for him.

4. Miss. Blakely. I finally got my princess. I wanted a girl when I was pregnant with Tristan. I was beyond ecstatic to find out she was a girl.


I need you!!!

Five peeps I can't live without. This is easy!!!! (in no particular order)

1. Hubs. I can't stand to be away from him for too long. I wouldn't be able to be without him in my life. I love this kid to death!!!

2. Tristan and Blakely. I'll just count em as one. I don't remember life before them. Life is so much better with them in my life and I'd die if I didn't have them. These two are the best and what keep me going everyday.

3. My wifey. Of course. I love you bff. life is boring without you. We have WAY to much fun and I love it.

4. My mommy. We have had our ups and downs. Mostly downs :D I'm glad we are finally at a good place. I love you and your seriously the best mom. Us kids and the grandkids are lucky to have you in our lives.

5. George. Can I count my dog as a person? Well I am. I freaking love/HATE this dog. Seriously. He is lucky we love him so much cuz everyday I ask myself why I don't give him away. He pisses me off so bad but at the end of the day hes snuggly and cute and warm and we love him.


Why oh why did I do that?!

Six things I should have never done. I have to think hard on this one cuz I have learned from my mistakes.

1. I wish I hadn't sluffed in high school as much as I did or at all. Even though I did eventually graduate I didn't get to walk with my class.

2. Dated some of the guys I have. Although you gotta weed through the bad to get to the good right?

3. Been friends with certain people. Even though I had my feelings about them I still tried to give them a chance and sure enough in the end they turned out to be exactly how I thought they would. Some people are a waste of time and Im glad they are outta my life.

4. I wish I hadn't been stupid and stole from a store. I got caught and it sucked. Luckily I wasn't arrested or anything. I was hanging out with said friends from number 3. Bad influences.

5. I regret hurting people that I care about. I hate hurting people that actually mean something to me.

6. I should have never shot that man just to watch him die.

Ok number 6 is there cuz I ran outta things. lol. Or is it?!


On my mind...

Seven things that are always on my mind.....

1. Dr pepper. Even when Im drinking it I'm thinking about it. It is love in a bottle, can, cup.

2. What the heck is my son doing?

3. I'm hungry but I dont have anything around me that sounds good. I want Texas Roadhouse.

4. I NEED to clean this house. But this couch/bed is oh so comfy.

5. When will terrible twos end? When will my Tristan be sweet again?

6. I wanna run away and hide from kids.

7. Is it nap time yet?!?!


Its hard to please me :D

Ok not really. But here's eight ways John got me :D

1. He is a romantic guy sometimes. Obviously life and kids make things crazy for us but when he gets the chance he is .

2. He's has compassion and cares about others. He loves me and takes care of me.

3. He loves his family which I knew would mean he would be a great husband and dad one day.

4. He's easy to talk to and helps if there's a way.

5. Even though he's a quiet guy around people he's not when it's just us. He really is a crazy funny guy.

6. He always gives me back rubs and foot massages. He always has. I basically melt for those things. It was love at first...rub?

7. He's a nerd. Although I hate it i kinda like it. Watching him light up makes me happy. Although like I said sometimes I hate the nerdy-ness too.

8. Finally he puts up with me. If you can do that then you are golden. lol. Anyone who truely knows me knows I'm kinda a beast at times. But he still loves me at the end of the day.