I confess.....
I need you!!!
Why oh why did I do that?!
On my mind...
Its hard to please me :D
Ok not really. But here's eight ways John got me :D
1. He is a romantic guy sometimes. Obviously life and kids make things crazy for us but when he gets the chance he is .
2. He's has compassion and cares about others. He loves me and takes care of me.
3. He loves his family which I knew would mean he would be a great husband and dad one day.
4. He's easy to talk to and helps if there's a way.
5. Even though he's a quiet guy around people he's not when it's just us. He really is a crazy funny guy.
6. He always gives me back rubs and foot massages. He always has. I basically melt for those things. It was love at first...rub?
7. He's a nerd. Although I hate it i kinda like it. Watching him light up makes me happy. Although like I said sometimes I hate the nerdy-ness too.
8. Finally he puts up with me. If you can do that then you are golden. lol. Anyone who truely knows me knows I'm kinda a beast at times. But he still loves me at the end of the day.
Kinda hard to think...
- I can lick my elbow :D
- I'm not really a chocolate, candy ice cream kinda person. I have to be in the mood for it and I usually don't eat a lot. Probably a good thing though.
- I'm a VERY honest person and tell it like it is even though sometimes it's not such a good idea to do.
- I snort when I laugh hard.
- I sometimes have dreams or thoughts of things good or bad that will happen, not necessarily anyone I know, and it usually happens a short time after. Sometimes it freaks me out. I have seen multiple car wrecks down to the debris on the road and they have happened and been on the news.
- I'm VERY impatient. I hate waiting for people and that makes it really hard having a two year old. And when I'm running late or just late in general I hate it and it really bugs me.
- I like to eat honey on things like mac & cheese, taquitos and potato skins. John thinks I'm crazy but don't knock it till you've tried it.
- I am a BIG time blog stalker. I will go to my friends pages and then go to theirs. Usually I just look at peoples pictures. I don't always read. I have seen and read some interesting things by doing this.
- My friend Cynthia and her family call me Gorilla face. Not sure how it started but I am Gorilla face to the Hernandez family :D
It's a long one but from the heart
Welcome Miss Blakely Michelle Terry
Two weeks ago at a Dr appointment my Dr and I talked and she said I could induce a week early if I wanted. And yes I did want to. My Dr is pregnant and her due date is a week after mine which is technically tomorrow. So we both decided it would be best just to go ahead and induce. So Monday May 9th came around and I got called at about 8:30 to say labor and delivery was ready for me. John's mom had just so happened to come at that time to pick up Tristan to take to Nephi with her. So I finished packing my bags, attempted to say bye to a stinker Tristan and we were off. I was beyond anxious and felt like throwing up so I didn't grab a bite to eat. Dumb of me. And I knew I would regret it later...and I did. We arrived and I had to be hooked up to get antibiotics and then wait 4 hours until they would actually start the Pitocin. I got my epidural quicker this time then with Tristan because I know how amazing it is. They started the pitocin at 12:30. I got my epidural at 4:00. We had John's brother Josh come to help with a blessing. Half way through I felt pressure beyond pressure. I was definitely distracted from the blessing. As soon as his brother left I looked at my mom and said "I'm pretty sure there's a baby in my vagina." Then the nurse came in to check me and confirmed that she was indeed making her way out. Evey time I had a contraction I was scared and tried not to push or apply any form of anything that would make her come out. My Dr arrived and first thing she said was "I hope my water doesn't break." I just looked at her and said "you keep your kid in there for a min." She then explained that a little bit ago she had a dream that she was delivering a baby in room 7. I was in room 7. She said that while said baby was being born her water broke. So it kinda became a little joke with all of us. I told her the bed might be big enough for me to scoot over or she could just use the couch. When they moved me downstairs I was put in room 1. She said that in the dream room 1 was where she was put. SO I am very happy this dream didn't come true. Although it would be a pretty funny story. The Dr who went into labor while delivering a baby. Anyways back to little miss B. So Sunday night Trinity and I did a vajazzle of 2 hearts and a B. When the Dr came in and turned on the bright freaking delivery lights she laughed and said I was blinding her. She also kept trying to talk and it was distracting her. Helped make things easy to just laugh the whole time. All this took place in 5 min. She was in the process of saying that I cant really feel contractions so they will help me then all of a sudden said ok lets push. 3 pushes and she was out. Blakely was born at 5:55 pm. She weighed 5 lbs 14 oz and was 18 in. She laid her on my belly and I was just in shock at how tiny she was/is. She is a spitting image of Tristan when he was born. Just thinner and tinier. They took her down to the nursery and a nurse came to get me ready to go downstairs. I told her that I was stubborn and got yelled at when I had Tristan because I tried to go to the bathroom and my epidural hadn't worn off. I'm an independent person and hate help so it was hard for me to have help. So she told me to stay put while she went to the nursery. When she came back I told her I went to the bathroom and a quick stroll. She just rolled her eyes and laughed. She didn't know what she was getting herself into. So then she asked me if I felt like I could walk to the bathroom by myself. I laughed and said "I got this." She said if I fall its myself and I told her I would tell them that she forced me walk by myself. We were having a little too much fun joking with each other. We kept joking back and forth until she dropped me off in my new room. I'm not gonna lie I was sad that she was only my nurse for like an hour. I wanted her to be on the new floor. Best nurse at the hospital ever hands down. The new nurse was...well...a beast. Not to me but to my family and my son. Tristan was being a 2 year old and pulled the help cable in the bathroom and she was pissed. I apologized but she was just a witch. She was rude and short until everyone but John left. I was happy when shift change happened. Seeing Tristan the second day after having a newborn was crazy for me. It still is. He is HUGE even though hes not. His diapers are big. His little butt is big. Hes like 5. It makes me kinda sad that my baby is getting big.
Up until today he has wanted NOTHING to do with Blakely which I had a feeling would happen. But when I tried to go to the bathroom and she was hungry and crying I got yelled at by Tristan because sister was sad. He kept telling her it was ok and was showing her his toys. It was cute and made me smile. When I'm feeding her he lifts up his shirts and starts saying boobies boobies. Oh this little boy. Life adjusting to 2 isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Even though it takes a little longer to get ready and get outta the house now. Tristan is at the age though where he helps when I really need him to. I love being home with these two and spending all my time with them. Nothing is better. I love being a mom.
I wont make you wait any longer. Here are the pictures!!!