Day one: ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
day two: nine interesting facts about yourself.
day three: eight ways to win your heart.
day four: seven things that cross your mind a lot.
day five: six things you wish you’d never done.
day six: five people you couldn’t live without.
day seven: four moments that changed your life.
day eight: three favorite foods, movies, and colors.
day nine: two words that describe your life right now.
day ten: one confession.
Day One:

John I just want you to know that I love you so much and am so happy I get to spend my life with you. You are such an amazing father and husband. Even though your ADD bugs the living heck outta me and so does your...well...being a man, period, I still love you and your truly my best friend. Tristan and Blakely are so lucky to have you as their daddy. I know that they will grow to be amazing people because of you and the things you will teach them.

Oh child where do I start with you. I love you so freaking much and you bring so much joy and entertainment to my life. Even though you are little turd I am still happy to have you in my life and be able to watch you grow and be there every step of the way. From the moment I first heard your heartbeat and saw your little rice grain self I was completely in love. I hope I can be the best mom for you and raise you to become an amazing boy and man. Mom loves you kiddo.

Although you have only been in this world for 3 weeks you are such a blessing to our family. You also bring so much joy to us. We have only just begun the adventure of your life. I was beyond happy when we found out you were a girl. I think every mom wants a daughter to be able to dress up and play with. I finally get a break from a house full of boys. Thank you for that. You have such a sweet spirit and I love just holding you and staring at you. Even if you just sit there and sleep. You are absolutely beautiful and amazing. I love you baby girl.
Mom & Dad

This is the only picture I have on my computer with both of you in it. Mom you are amazing. I know that we haven't always gotten along but I am so happy that we are finally not cats and dogs. lol. You are the best mommy out there. You sacrifice so much and are always there when needed. Im happy you were there for Blakely's birth. Tristan loves you so much and Blakely will too. They have a awesome grandma. Adam even though your not my bio dad I still consider you my dad since you have been there for me like a dad should. We too have had our ups and downs but I am glad we are good again. I love you both so much!!!!
Mom & Dad Terry

Best in laws in the world pictured above. These two have been there for me since pretty much day one of meeting them. They took me in as one of their own when John and I were first dating. And they have been there for my little family ever since. Mom you are amazing for watching Tristan and the other grandkids in the mornings so us(my sister in laws and I) can get rest or do things we need to do. And thank you for taking Tristan to Nephi once a week when you can to give me a break. You guys are awesome in laws, grandparents and parents.

Oh wife!!! I love you and you are my best friend. Life without you would be dull and boring. Im pretty sure not a day has gone by where we aren't laughing our butts off because of the things that come outta our mouths. We struggle but at least we struggle together right? We have had so many fun times together and I am so happy I know you.
Amber Giles

Amber you are an inspiration and hero to me. You have gone through a couple of trials that most people wouldn't make a comeback from but you are such a strong lady and come out of them with a smile on your face. When I found out you had been in the hospital I broke down bawling and was seriously scared I may never talk to you again. But you pulled through. Seeing you at that fire side was one of the best days ever. You have always been there for me even before you really knew me. Back when I was interested in massage school and you kept calling to get me to come in. Love and support have always been there from you. I love you and am so happy to have you in my life.

Chels even though we aren't really speaking right now I still consider you my best friend and you always will be. I just don't want to be associated with certain dramatic people and I don't want to be around people who are friends with them. I don't need the drama in my life and got rid of them as friends long ago because their true colors came out. I still love you and one day all will be well and we will be hanging out again.

You have been my longest friend here in Utah. We have had our ups and downs and right now we are in a down. Same with Chels I don't want drama and it was being brought into my life again and so I had to say goodbye to you. You are like a brother to me and we have had so much fun and so many good times together. Maybe one day when said drama is done we can be friends again but until then it's not worth my time. I have a family to worry about and have grown up and past the drama. I love you boo.

I don't honestly even know what to say. I messed up and I messed up big. And it hurts everyday. I have apologized but sometimes that's not enough. I am the kind of person that hates when I actually hurt people and it will never stop being a bother to me. I have come to the realization that we are no longer friends and probably never will be. I wish this wasn't so but I can't change it. I'm sorry and I love you and only wish the best for you.