We are still alive....kinda
Um......yea. So its been....A WHILE!!!!!! Where to start? Mr. Tristan is now 10 months old, has 6 teeth and is CRAZY!! We knew he would be. I mean look at who his parents are :D He is crawling like no other. Hes getting into EVERYTHING!!! He thinks he is old enough to walk and walk up the stairs. But he doesnt quite understand the whole getting back down thing. At night or nap time he sticks his butt up in the air and wiggles around and flops back and forth. Half the time hes completly out. Hes my funny kid. He also recently got a yeast infection. It was more panful for me then him. Johnny started school today at I.T.T Tech in Murray. He is going into web design and video programing. I love my little nerd. I have still been dealing with my usual problems. Then some. My migraine went away fo a little while. Then 2 weeks ago they started again. I had to et another MRI on friday for a follow up. It was horrible. They were supposed to give me meds for sedation...but...they didnt. The did an iv and drew blood and put saline in me but no meds. About 5 mins into the scan I started feeling claustrophobic ad started having a anxiety attack. So i pushed my little ball to have them stop and all he said was its almost over. Um...30 min later and I had to go get a xanax. I was furious. I actually started crying!!! Ive also gotten another UTI and followed with a yeast infection. Our laptop screen is broken so no pics. But soon it will be a picture overload.
The pig has attacked!!!!!!!!!
Yes. Tristan and Johnny have been struck with Swine Flu. Tristan got it first way bad and then johnny started feeling symptoms. Tristan started out with a 102 fever and it only got hotter and hotter. He reached 104 at one point. They got him started on tamiflu, tylenol, and motrin. Then on fri he wasnt eating or having wet diapers. So after trying to get him liquids we finally tool him into the er. They got him on some anti nausea meds and finally got him to eat. Now his only problem is not being able to breathe. He is so congested. We are slowly just getting through it. Lets hope I can keep staying clear of it. I need to take care of my two babies :D For Halloween I found a elephant mask and it was the most amazing thing bought for .50 cents. Ha. Tristan was my skeleton. I ept calling him skeletor. Johnny was a swine flu victim. haha. He wasnt feeling up to dressing up. George was a football player. Because of the sicklings we only took pictures. I just realized I took my sleep pill and Im starting to slowly go. One last thing. I recieved another concussion last night. Ill explain in details next post. Lets just say it involves a rusty nail, a chicken and my head :D

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