Also Id like to say happy fathers day to my step dad Adam. We've been through a lot. good and bad. But we have made it and you are such an amazing dad to me and the other kids. We are lucky to have you in our life. Love you
The other important dad in my life is my father in law John. Dad you are truely an amazing person and father. I think Heavenly Father sent you to me so I could have the Father that I needed.I have searched my computer and apparently I don't have a picture of you and Tristan or you at all. You always hiding your face. lol. Anyways dad I love you and so does Johnny and Tristan.
On another note I got an email from my real dad. Lets just say I cried and not good tears and wanted to get on a flight to Florida and punch him in his face. I told him I was done after not attending my wedding but he still insists on trying to talk to me. I know what your thinking, just forgive and talk to him. Well I will do one of those. I will forgive but not talk to him. Eveytime I do all I get is that everyone is wrong and everyone is to blame but him. My mom is the blame for the bad marrage. Im to blame for "leaving" and coming to utah to live with my mom. We are all at fault and Mark Pelletier is a perfect angel. Oh man. I have finally figured it out. (in robot tone) Im the one who has been acting dumb. He has done nothing wrong. He is awesome and I should forgive and forget. (sorry I had to) So yea Im pretty much ok with not having him around it's been so long since I have that it doesn't matter anymore. It just sucks for he and Tristan because they will not be seeing eachother for who knows how long if ever. Until Mark can step up and be a man and grow a pair he will not be in my son's life. And this is only for the protection of Tristan and my family. Mark has done a number on my heart and hurt it a lot and I want to stop this so it doesnt keep going on. I hope it's worth it mark, and just so you know my mom didn't ask to be physically and emotionally abused and I didn't grab your hand and smack myself or move your mouth to yell and belittle me. So once again grow a pair and be a man. You and my mom are divorced so you should just move on. Live for the here and now and not the past. If your new life is as awesome as you say it is then why don't you worry abotut it instead of other peoples marriages. Especially your ex-wife.