Friday night we went to Sushi a for all you can eat sushi. Best dinner ever hands down. We each downed 4 rolls. I was very happy after. But Tristan's little body didnt agree. Lets just say he had bio-hazardous poop today. Oh man. Seriously thought Johnny and I were gonna die. Enough about that. ha. Sorry. Just had to share. :D
One Year Ago!!
Wow!!! It has already been a year since Johnny and I got married. Time sure does fly. I guess being pregnant and having a baby makes it go by quicker. haha. One year ago today I got to marry my best friend and start a new life and family with him. I was also able to recieve the greatest in laws and siblings in the world. I love all of you guys and could not have inmagined it any other way. You guys all accepted me for who I was with open arms and treat as though Im blood. I remember when Johnny and I were still dating he said I had to meet his big sister Alisha because she had to approve of me before we could marry. He said she was this short EMT who is intimidating. So when I came down for Christmas to surprise him I was kinda scared cuz I knew she would be there. Pssshhh. She didnt intimidate me. haha. Sorry lish. I love you. But Im very happy she accepted and allowed me to marry her wittle bro. :D And even though we weren't planning on having a baby as fast as it happened I am just speechless about the gift God gave me. Tristan melts my heart with his little smile and the way he just snuggles in a ball on my chest.
Friday night we went to Sushi a for all you can eat sushi. Best dinner ever hands down. We each downed 4 rolls. I was very happy after. But Tristan's little body didnt agree. Lets just say he had bio-hazardous poop today. Oh man. Seriously thought Johnny and I were gonna die. Enough about that. ha. Sorry. Just had to share. :D

Friday night we went to Sushi a for all you can eat sushi. Best dinner ever hands down. We each downed 4 rolls. I was very happy after. But Tristan's little body didnt agree. Lets just say he had bio-hazardous poop today. Oh man. Seriously thought Johnny and I were gonna die. Enough about that. ha. Sorry. Just had to share. :D
Happy Easter
So this post is kinda gross! But at the end I will put cute pictures of Tristan to make it all better. lol. So on Monday I had an appointment at the dr. to get a "cist" removed. It was on my right shoulder and am kicking myself for not getting a before picture. It was kinda sad when the dr. stuck the needle in too numb it cuz it has been there for years and I kinda got used to it. But it was finally time to depart from one another. It took about 20 to 30 minutes to remove cuz apparently it wanted to stay friends too and not leave me. She just kept cutting deeper and further out. It seriously was just stuck in there. After a little bit I asked if I could watch and she's all "as long as you dont pass out". So even though it was a way hard angle to look at I watched. It was way awesome. I know Im weird. Anyways. When she finally got it out she told us she wanted to send it off to get a biopsy cuz it was way hard and she had never seen anything like it. Now I have 3 stiches and a bruise the size of a baseball on my shoulder. While I was laying there I jokingly said "are you proud to be the only dr to ever put sticthes in me or preform any type of surgery type things". I have so far till this year never had any surgery, stitches or anything broken. Jeez! It's a good year. And it's not even over yet. Oh boy. Alisha wanted me to post the picture and well I kinda wanted to also. I find it so cool. Others may not and all I have to say is sucks for you :D

My little man
Tristan is so fun to have around. He has been starting to laugh and smile a ton. Its so stinking cute. He's getting the hang of sleeping at night finally down. We had to recently change his meds cuz he started to throw up again. His new meds are a tablet that has to dissolve on his tounge. First he had pepermint flavored liquid now a tablet. I don't understannd why they have a newborn do that? But he seems to not care. He just makes really funny faces and gets it over with. My little champ. Also for a little bit now I haven't had enough milk for him. He would drink it all then just scream cuz hes still hungry. Well I was at a friends house that had the same problem with her first child. So she told me to go get some natural pills to help and last night was the first time I took them and already I have enough. Thank you Amber for the help. Today Johnny was eating an orange and teasing Tristan and was just smiling up a storm. Enjoy.
He also decided to pee while taking a bath and it happened to shoot right into his mouth. Oh the joys of having a little boy! :D
He also decided to pee while taking a bath and it happened to shoot right into his mouth. Oh the joys of having a little boy! :D
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