Well Tristan is already 3 weeks old. Whoa!! Time sure does fly. I looked at Johnny today and said "Wow. We've kept a human being alive for 3 weeks. Dang we are good. Only 18 yrs to go!" These past 3 weeks have been the most AMAZING weeks (minus getting married and honeymoon of course). They have been very tiring but totally worth it. Tristan is such a good baby. He only barely cries when he is hungry or when he's being changed. It's fun to just sit and watch him because he has the most intense dreams. For the most part they are happy and the occasional sad one. He will open his eyes and they roll back in his head and all around. It;s kinda creepy looking. Our favorite is when he starts to laugh while dreaming. It puts a smile on my face. So we have had a pretty eventful weekend/week. On Sunday morning around 6:30 there was a knock on the door and when Johnny answered it was the people from upstairs. All of a sudden Johnny comes running into the bedroom and told me that we flooded again. So we go out into the kitchen and there was a couple inches of water on the ground and water was pouring like a waterfall from our ceiling.
Turns out a pipe in our utility closet burst. So they helped us to get our table and desk out of the kitchen cuz they were getting water all over them. The landlord came over to fix it and dry our carpet. Tristan and I went upstairs cuz it was FREEZING in our house cuz we couldnt use the heater. Then when we came back down and I plugged in our little heater it blew up. Yes blew up. I was pissed. I was just sitting there thinking nothing else could go wrong. Then on Monday morning I woke up to Tristan throwing up. And everytime I fed him he just threw it right back up. So I called the doctor and she said to do small frequent feedings which I told her I already was and she told me to call again if he still was. So then around 3 i called again and they told me to bring him in. She said it could either be a bug or something I ate or pyloric stenosis. So she sent us to get an ultrasound of his tummy. Well his ultrasound looked fine so she said probably a bug. He didnt throw up at all the rest of the day or night. But threw up Tuesday morning. So I called back and she told me she wanted me to pump so I could monitor how much he was eating. And he has been fine. A little fussy and gasy but not throwing up :D I felt so helpless and sad for him and just didn't know what to do. Im just glad he is feeling better.
I had to wrap him cuz he kept going threw clothes
Just watchin tv :D
Long awaited pictures and info
Ok so here goes. On monday we had a dr appointment and while we were there we had the dr strip my membranes. Then on Tuesday I went with a friend who took me on some bumpy dirt roads in his jeep, then Johnny and I went to the mall that night and walk around for more then an hour. After we went to Mimi's cuz I was craving French Oinion soup and while we were there my contractions were about 6 min apart. I got absolutely NO sleep that night because everytime I would try to fall asleep I would have a contraction and they were pretty strong. Then wednesday morning around 8 I finally got out of bed and decided to jump in the shower. By this time my contractions were 4 min apart and killing. So after the shower I called Johnny and told him it was time. Well he wanted to make sure so he had me call the dr and ask if I should go. So I did and the nurse could just tell by my voice that it was time to go. So I called Johnny back and told him to get home. Then I called my mom and just got my last minute things ready. John made it home in about 4 minutes and I was kinda mad cuz I know he was speeding. We then left and swung by mcdonalds cuz I hadnt eaten yet and knew I would be for who knows how long. We finally got to the hospital and instead of having John drop me off I just said hurry and park. And of course the only spot available was in the back right hand corner furthest away from the hospital. So I waddled and tried to hurry to get into the hospital. By the time I got to the room and all hooked up my contractions were 2 1/2 minutes apart and 3 cm dialateed. So we just sat waiting and the contractions just kept getting stronger. The nurse kept asking if I wanted the epidural yet and I kept saying no. Then they got so strong and I was figting back tears so I finally said I was ready. After that I was in heaven. Didnt feel a thing. The nurse checked me again and said I was 7 cm and then she just looked at me kinda shocked and said "your water just broke and your now and 8." Then I was fully dialted only a couple minutes later. So they notified my dr and she said she had to wait for her husband to come home and should be there in about 30 min. So I started getting worried that she wouldn't make it, but she did. So after 7 hrs of labor and about 20 min of pushing Tristan was born. Then they handed him to me and had Johnny cut the umbilical cord and that was the best part. Just seeing this amazing little purple baby that was mine. Looking at him and how perfect he was made all the ups and downs of pregnancy and labor and delivery worth it. He is such a happy little guy. He hardly cries(knock on wood), he smiles a lot. Hes already trying to roll over. He gets to his side and cant go any further. We were kinda worried at first at how Ryder would be around him but he immediatley gave him a kiss on the head and was very calm around him. Whenever Tristan makes any sort of noise or if Ryder is sleeping in the other room and comes out he has to check and make sure Tristan is ok. It's very cute. I'll stop babbling and finally put some pictures on. Enjoy my bundle of joy :D
About an two hours before he came
Right after he got cleaned
I love his little fat cheeks
"Hello Ladies"
Daddy and Tristan
Dad caught us sleeping
Going home
Ryder and Tristan
Smiling's my favorite:D
About an two hours before he came
Right after he got cleaned
I love his little fat cheeks
"Hello Ladies"
Daddy and Tristan
Dad caught us sleeping
Going home
Ryder and Tristan
Smiling's my favorite:D
HE"S HERE!!!!!
Ok so this is just a short post to say that: Tristan Cade Terry has arrived! He decided to finally come yesterday evening at 6:39. He weighed 6 lbs 7 oz and is 20 inches long. When we get our pictures up onto the computer I will post them along with the rest of the "yummy" details. lol. Thanks to everyone who has called or come by. We love you all.
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