We had an appointment yesterday and because our dr had her baby last week we had a different dr. It was kinda weird having a different dr. She was looking over my chart and was looking at my weight throughout the pregnancy and other things and just said "you are lucky. Your weight has stayed a consistant gradual increase, You have no swelling at all. Im jealous." I just smiled and said thanks. Even though it seems like its taking forever, especially these past few weeks, I am thankful that he is taking his time and is gonna be healthy. Also my mom is coming out on the 6th now so she will see him as only a week or even less old. Which I am happy about.
I just thought it was funny that I can FINALLY use my belly as a tray. Ha.

Ok so I had to share this.

Apparently our economy is so bad that they had to put these sticky notes on sale. Wow!! You save a penny!! Better get over to Macy's and buy them before they cost a dollar again:D oh man. Some people.
Well hopefully next time I make a post will be to say that Tristan has arrived.