First I have to warn this blog is pretty long and I appologize but I'm work stuck next to what my boss calls Hebrew hall. Which is those kiosk in the mall that sell that dead sea crap and the straightners. So I just have time and need to keep busy so I don't go crazy. Thanks. I went to the midnight showing of Twilight with my mother-in-law, sister and brother-in-law and two of their friends. After sitting outside in the cold for 2 hrs and inside for another 1 and a half we finally got to see the movie. Although I still don't think Robert justifies Edward he finally grew on me and the movie wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was kinda cheesy I thought and at times really funny. Overall it was worth freezing and staying up late to go see. Also for some reason seeing Edward in the movie made me love and value my husband even more then I already do. Even though Edward is flawless and has all the qualities any normal woman would want I realized that John comes very close to him. Even though he may not always have the right thing to say and sometimes the things he tries to say comes out wrong, he's not able to be there at my side 24/7, he's still the best husband and friend a girl could ask for. When I left the movie all I wanted to do was get home and cuddle up next to him. And Im glad that when I was finally able to he wasn't ice cold but actually very very warm. John is definitely my Edward and I wouldn't have it any other way. Well enough about that. lol. Onto a different subject. I have decided that I hate the dreams that come along with being pregnant. Yet then again some have been happy, funny, entertaining and others kinda weird. Last week I had a friend pass away from a car wreck and it's still slowly sinking in that shes actually gone. Even going to the funeral wasn't enough for it to totally hit me. Well I've been having dreams since then about me being in car wrecks and they are VERY scary and VERY vivid. Like I can give every detail about them. I had one the other day that made me wake up and just cry. And when I drove that day I just totally avoided where it was just in case. Let's just say I was in a wreck and I survived but a little guy didn't. Thats not something I want to think about or dream about. I also had one this morning where I was in florida and talking to my best friend Jordan on the phone and on my way to visit her and all of a sudden I drove off a bridge that was up to allow a boat to go through. Eveything was fine except the fact that my beautiful Charger was at the bottom or the ocean. Another one I had recently was kinda funny and weird. I was carrying twins and the first was a boy and then an hour after giving birth to him they released me from the hospital and I didn't have the other baby till the next day while I was at Costco shopping with my mom. The weirdest part was that it was a little half black half white girl. Ok so how does that one happen. Idk. All I know is I woke up and was just way confused. Im just hoping that these dreams start going more towards the happy side. No more bad ones please. Last but not least. I woke up with really bad pains and it felt like I was peeing razor blades and someone was stabbing me with a knife. So after calling emt Alisha :) I called and set up an appointment with my doctor. Turns out I have a UTI. AHHHH!! Let's just say they suck and am glad I got medicine before it got worse. I think the main reason I got it is cuz I sit at a kiosk and and not really supposed to leave a lot cuz Im the only one. So I try not to go to the bathroom often. Well I have learn that lesson. For now on as much water as my body can hamdle and go as often as possible.
I was tagged by my sister-in-law Amber to list 6 quirky things about myself.
1. I still sleep with a blanket at night. ha. Im such a wuss. I just like to have it at least touching me. Either under my head, over me, or in my arms. I also have a stuffed moose but he just sleeps next to me. Maybe one day I'll grow out of my security blanket stage. But for now it helps me sleep.
2. This may sound very strange but I sometimes put honey in my macaroni and cheese. Yes you read that right. I dont know why. But ever since I was little I am always mixing different kinds of food. I also like Oreos dipped in vegetable dip, sour patch kids in nacho cheese just to name a few. Call me weird but just try it. Maybe you'll like it too.
3. My food can't touch eachother. If I could always use one of those plates that have the different sections then I would. I've gotten better then I used to be but I still have a hard time when things touch. I was at a friends and they made the plate up for me a the jello touched everything. The chicken, salad, potaoes, and bread. When my friend looked at it and remebered I am this way she grabbed a new plate and I felt bad but was able to eat it in peace.
4. John said I should put that I watch CSI: Miami. But I think that show rocks. I think one thing I do is watch tv shows even though I absolutly HATE them. Like the Hills, Dr. 90210 just name a few. I think I do it cuz I love making fun of the people or just sitting there wondering why the crap people do some of the things they do. In the end I feel much better about myself. lol. Like I realize that I'm perfect just the way I am and dont need plastic surgery or very thankful I'm not ditzy, stupid or fake. haha.
5. I don't finish my drinks at home. I'm kinds like the girl from the movie Signs. Like her I will start a drink but never get around to finishing it. When it comes to water especially I have to have ice in it or be really really cold and once the ice melts or it becomes room temp I want nothing to do with it. When it comes to sodas in cans I hardly ever finish them. If I put them in a cup I do. This drives John up the wall. He always puts them in the fridge but I think flat soda is gross. Along the same line I have this werid obsession you could say with water bottles. Im constantly buying new ones. Not the dollar ones but like the nice ones. Idk why but I do.
6.My favorite thing ever is getting my back and feet massaged or tickled. Id rather have that then eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, you name it. I told John I just need a robot so that when his hands get tired or he isn't there the robot can do it. He didn't like that idea. But I still do think it's a good idea.
I tag Megan, Andrea, and Alisha.
So when I was getting ready the other day I look over at Ryder and he honestly looked like he was praying. He has his hands folded like below and his head just hanging there and his eyes closed. I thought it was the cutest thing ever and had to just add a few things to the picture.

New pictures again

New pictures again
Well first off let me just say I HATE MOOD SWINGS!!!! Today was a bad mood swing day. I felt bad for John but he could tell so he kinda just backed off and let me calm myself down and get back to normal. Thank you John. It's funny because I used to hate cleaning before I was married but now it helps me to calm down. (my house is now spotless). My mom and anyone who knows me well knows that cleaning and I don't get along. I can picture my mom reading this and having a heart attack because I cleaned. lol. Well enough about that. People are starting to ask when I'm due and my friends are amazed that my belly has gotten bigger. Its still kinda pointy and i want it to round out. Hopefully soon. Im now 28 weeks incase you are wondering. I wasn't really in the mood to take pictures today but I wanted to put some new ones up so here they are.

Ryder in his new leatherman jacket. He has started to get really cold so I went on a search for a jacket for him. I thought this was the cutest.

Ryder in his new leatherman jacket. He has started to get really cold so I went on a search for a jacket for him. I thought this was the cutest.
Our Halloween
For Halloween I was originally going to be a white trash pregnant woman but it didnt come out as I pictured it in my head. While I was getting ready John was trying to figure out what he should be. I went into the closet and grabbed one of my dresses and said put this on. At first he was hesitant but then after both of us trying really hard to get that dress and tights on he decided that he would just be a woman. So we went to wal-mart to find a wig for him and glow-in-the-dark spray for Ryder. We were going to make ryder a ghost dog but that one didnt work at all. The only wigs they had were black and grey witch hair or Hannah Montanna hair. So it was the child size Hannah hair. lol. Then we went back home so I could figure something out and just decided to try wearing John's clothes. It was funny cuz his pants and shirt actually fit me for once so it worked. So we just decided that we were just going to be eachother. At one point I told John he was a pretty hot woman and he flipped his hair back, looked at me and said (in his gay man/girl voice) "no Im fat! This dress makes me look fat!" I thought I was going to either pee my pants or die from laughing. It was priceless. We went and visited Josh and Amber, Heather and Jason, and our friend Johnny. Throughout the night John was trying to figure out how to keeo the hair out of his face and keep saying he would hate having long hair. My only response was "and thats why us woman cut our hair. Its easier. Now you understand." He also made a comment that he understands why woman are always flinging their hair back and before he thought it was stupid looking but not gets why. I also got to experience that mens underwear and baggy pants are not all that comfortable. Lets just say I wouldn't want to dress like that. It think this was a fun experience to step in the opposite sex's shoes, literally, and see how it feels to dress and act like them. Im glad that I married someone who is willing to do something like that. It was a blast. Also John said that he was a fatter, older version of his sister Chelle. And we both agreed that its kinda sad that I can pull off the look of a guy.
So John thinks that this is how girls pose during pictures I guess.

So John thinks that this is how girls pose during pictures I guess.
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