And as an update....John and I are better. Allergies are still getting to us of course and I have a little tickle in my throat still but not as bad. So it's slowly but surely going away.
Day At The Park
Today while John was at Warp Tour I took Ryder to the park to meet up with Josh and Amber and her family to play frisbee. Ryder played ball, played in the sprinklers, chased people away from me and kept getting to close to Asher and made him very uncomfortable. He also of coursegot tired and when I threw the ball chased after it but wouldn't pick it up. So in the end I had to get up and get it. He needs to just realize that I am not the dog and I shouldn't be fetching his toys. After he went in the sprinklers to cool off he decided that he wanted to roll around in the dirt just like a horse. I seriously dont understand him.
First he just sniffs it and scopes out where he shall roll.
And then the roll.
We got done playing and John was finally home so we invited his friends Josh and Johnny over for some BBQ and Rock Band. And of course Ryder thinking he is human thinks that he gets some of the steak. Well I tried to give watermelon and he wanted nothing to do with it. Only steak.
After he waited very patiently.......
I decided to give him a piece and of course because he is a dog he thought he would be sneaky and multiple times he snuck up and tried to steal my whole steak.
He got caught red handed and in the end got to eat it. So he won and took my steak. I guess he just knows that I make a to die for steak. Haha. I don't know. Moral of this story is that even though he sometimes gets on my nerves I still love him no matter what.
And as an update....John and I are better. Allergies are still getting to us of course and I have a little tickle in my throat still but not as bad. So it's slowly but surely going away.
And as an update....John and I are better. Allergies are still getting to us of course and I have a little tickle in my throat still but not as bad. So it's slowly but surely going away.

So about a week ago John and I both started feeling sick. First we thought it was just allergies but then mine has turned into non-stop coughing and weezing. John just has a runny nose and sneezing all the time. I'm thinking that mine has gone from allergies into Bronchiectasis again. Which sucks and last time I had it it went away faster. We are both just hoping that we both get better and it doesn't come back again.
We went to sunny California. It was much needed for both of us. We stayed in a hotel right on the beach with a beach view. While some people sat at the pool we went straight to the beach. It was freezing but still worth it. We rented boogie boards and bought a skim board and didn't worry about how cold it was. We were there to have fun. We went and saw some seals on the beach across the way, we went to L.A. and walked down the Hollywood strip. We went to the wax museum and on our way back to our car we saw Michael Cera from Juno. He was there Filming and we tried to say hi but they wouldn't let us. It was fun to see him but sad not to say hi. Oh well. We also went to a hamburger place called Hodad's where the burgers were HUGE! We didn't know so we order doubles and neither of us could finish them. It was way amazing though. The sunrises and sunsets were amazing! Absolutely gorgeous! We went to Knotts Berry Farm which was fun. There was hardly any people so we got to go on the rides as many times as we wanted. It was like the park was ours.
April 19, 2008
This was the best day ever! The day I became Sarah Terry. It was a dream come true. It started with me waking up way too early even though I went to bed way to late. My friend Megan came over to do my hair and make-up. Time started to fly by and I started freaking out while she is trying to calm me down. We finished and left to go to the church and when we were leaving was the time I was supposed to be already to the church and dressed. But of course I was late. So I rushed there and rushed to get dressed and get everything ready to walk out. It was finally time for the ceremony and it just flew by. John and I were both trying hard not to cry. We both knew that if either one of us started to cry the other one would too and it would just be down hill from there. So we both kept it in. After the ceremony we had a lunchon. After the lunchon John and I went to Sakura and had amazing tapanyaki. The owner congratulated us and gave us 10% off our meal. Then It was back to the church for the reception. At the reception we had a line, did the cha-cha slide, and assulted eachother with cake. He got me pretty good but I got him back 10 times worse. I had to walk him to the sink because he couldn't see anything. It was hillarious. He didnt think so. After it was all done we got in our decorated car and went to our hotel to sleep and get ready to leave for San Diago, California the next morning. A special thanks to his family for all the love and support. Also to my mom and adam. We love you guys.
Ryder Terry
Ryder Terry! Where do I even begin to explain this dog? Lets start with where we got him. Turner Dann gave him to us as an early wedding gift. I was so excited when he told me he was giving us a dog. John and I both have wanted a dog for a while. He's a Jack Russell Chihuahua mix. At least we think. Kinda weird but way cute and fun. Ryder is seriously the most hyper, ADD, psychoticly cutest dog ever. He is also way random. He will go to his bowl to eat and see a toy and start playing and then run into another toy and play with that one and then remember he wanted to eat and the cycle starts all over again. If He's in bed he can't sleep without being under the covers curled up next to either John or I. His favorite words are "ride" and "pee". He hears either one of those and immediatly he runs to the door and wont leave you alone. We love taking him to the park and playing ball. Un-like most dogs he doesn't just run. Nope he has to prance for the ball. When he gets to the ball he slides past it and then turns around. Sometime we throw it and he sees a bird or something cathes his eye and we end up havung to get it for him. But it's not all fun and games in our house with him. Becasue he's still in his puppy stage he pees, bites, chews and gets into things he's not supposed to. I acidentally left my straightner out and John left his rock band drum foot pedal on the ground and when we got home both wires were chewed to pieces. The other day I was at John's parents laying on the ground and Ryder decides he wants to go to the bathroom on my feet. Although I wanted to kill him I just laughed cuz he just stared at me while doing it.
Febuary 13, 2008. John had his mom come wake me up and she gave me a big stuffed animal dog and a note that said "Good Morning. Follow The Trail Of Presents." So I open the door and find a huge box with a note that said "Hope You Like Them". Inside the box was a dozen red roses, a dozen daisys, and then a single red rose. I look down the hall and there's a build-a-bear box with a dog with hearts on it. The note said "I'm A Bad Boy...Hope You Forgive Me...HeHe". We were supposed to go make build-a-bears together and instead he did mine without me. Next was a medium sized box with a note that said "Pretty Things For A Pretty Girl". Inside was a pair of pink star earrings and a star ring. The next box on the ground was a ring box. Inside there was a note that read "Look In The Closet For The Best Gift Ever!" When I read that note I was hesitant to go to the closet because it freaks me out. I swear it's haunted. So I reach for the door handle slowly while at the same time backing away from the door. All of a sudden 3 dozen balloons and a big heart balloon come flying out followed out by John on one knee. He looks up at me and said "Sarah Ashley Pelletier, Will You Marry Me?" And of course I start bawling and say yes. It was amazong and cute and wouldn't have asked for it to be done any other way. the bad part about that day was that I had to go to work. The whole time I was hoping time would speed up so I could go home and be with John.
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